"I have my reasons," Sami said, hoping Harris wouldn't probe.

"What reasons?" But of course, Harris wouldn't be so easy to deal with.

"Money issues," Sami finally admitted, looking into his book. He'd been on the same page for far too long now.

"Bro, that's what you're worried about? Come, I'll pay for you!" Harris said but Sami shook his head.

"I'm fine, seriously. You go and eat. I really need to get some of this stuff into my head anyway," Sami responded, referring to his book. Without a word, Harris disappeared and Sami looked ahead, confused. Reminding himself that Harris was rather odd, Sami went back to his book, determined to finish the page and understand it.

A couple of pages later, a packed sandwich was thrown into Sami's lap.

"I hope you like tuna. I love the mixed tuna sandwiches. Though, it's not much of a mix. It's just tuna with cucumbers, sweetcorn and peppers I think," Harris said, opening his sandwich to check before biting into it.

"Thanks man, you didn't have to," Sami said, touched. He also felt embarrassed. He wasn't used to people doing things for him.

"No problem. I don't know if you like flapjacks but I got this for you too. I always get cravings for something sweet after I eat and these chocolate flapjacks are amazing!" Harris threw the wrapped flapjack to Sami and Sami dropped his book to catch it, losing his page. But Sami felt too embarrassed to care. He felt like he now owed Harris a favour and didn't know how to repay him.

"Seriously man, Jazak'Allah khair,(2)" Sami said, picking his up book. "By the way, you're not allowed to eat here."

"Really?" Harris looked around. "Well, no one's looking. Plus, you won't get up from here so you leave me with no choice."

"Fine, let's go to the canteen or something before they kick us out," Sami said, getting up. He stuffed everything in his bag and slung the bag over his shoulder.

"Wait, let me just finish this half," Harris said, taking a huge bite. Only seconds later, he stuffed the rest of that half of the sandwich into his mouth.

"That's gross. I'm sure your wife will disapprove," Sami commented.

"Nah. I'm pretty sure she'll be too distracted by all my good qualities, and there's no shortage of them, to notice something as minor as my eating habits."

"For your sake, I hope so."

"I know so. I've broken many hearts, my friend," Harris said, getting up.

"Oh really?" Sami asked, sarcastically. The two of them made their way to the canteen while discussing Harris's history with girls, which Sami knew was practically non-existent but he listened to Harris's exaggerated stories, laughing.

It was times like these that Sami felt he wasn't so alone after all. Sami knew if worst came to worst, all he had to do was ask for help and there would be many people ready to help him, Muhammad and Harris just being two of them. So despite all his stressing, Sami found something positive to focus on. He just hoped the positivity would last.


It was during the stressful exam period that Radia received a response for the application she sent out to an apprenticeship programme which had started recruiting youngsters. She was extremely hopeful and excited for this opportunity to build a career for herself.

The first step was fairly easy. She was called in for a Maths and English test. She'd passed both subjects comfortably in school and she was certain she'd get past this step with ease.

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