Making up

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Yay the dark days of fighting are over!


Seto ran to the place. There was always a place you will be. Whenever you were sad you would go there and Seto knew that you were there right now. Seto found you looking down and walking mindlessly. He immediately hugged you tightly.

"I'm so sorry. For everything. I never felt anything for someone before but then You came along and changed that. I'm not used to this but if keeping you in my life means trying harder....I'll do anything. " there was a brief moment of silence as you let everything he said soak into your mind. Then You spoke.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't make you take time away from work just so that you can spend time with me. It's selfish. You have a huge company with millions of employees to look over." Seto looked at you with an expression somewhat close to a smile. He had a serious expression but the corners of his lips twitched upwards.

"It's both of our faults." He says. "I'll forgive you if you forgive me?"



Yami waited by your door, waiting for you to come home from visiting a friend. You walked to your apartment dreading seeing Yami again because of what recently happened and was surprised to see him by your door.

"Yami?!" You says surprised. Yami comes near you and takes your hand in his and rubs it.

"Y/N I'm really sorry about being over protective." He says looking into your eyes. "I was just worried. After being in so many shadow games where the people I love lives are on the line I can't stand losing you. I want you in my life that I guess I became overprotective. I'm sorry for being this way." Yami was nervous- he has no idea what you were thinking and had no idea what to predict about what your reaction is going to be. Are you going to break up with him? You shook your head.

"It's okay." You say. "Besides its partly my fault. Your just trying to protect me but I overreacted. Can you forgive me too?" You ask. Yami nods and cups your face so that he can kiss you.


Yugi chased after you. You were walking down the street with all your emotions bundled up and ready to spill out. It was too much to handle. First your cousin in the hospital (if you don't have one just use someone else like one of your friends) and now your boyfriend, if he still was, accusing you of cheating. Today was a very good day for you (note the sarcasm). Yugi caught a hold of your wrist, making you turn around and look at him. After seeing that it was Yugi you immediately turned away from him. You can't face him right now. Yugi turned your body towards him but you still turned your face away.

"Y/N....." He says barely above a whisper. He cause you so much pain. "I'm sorry.." He says a bit louder. "For accusing you when you were going through such a hard time. For causing you pain. For not being a good boyfriend or friend even, when you needed one. If you don't want to talk to me I understand...just let me see your face one last time." He reluctantly took your chin and gently turned it so that you were staring at him. His eyes held pain, sadness, hurt, and hope. He let your chin go and there was a brief awkward silence between you. Finally, Yugi couldn't handle it any longer. "Are you going to leave me?" After a brief shook your head


You curled up on the couch still having the memory of the fight play over and over again. Having your first fight is the hardest on couples. Most of the time they break up, Will that helped to you guys? Suddenly the door burst open revealing a tired Joey. You get up from the couch with a raised eyebrow.

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