Left alone

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A beam of light woke Mirage from sleeping. Half of her room were kind of shady, because it was still dawn.

Mirage rubbed her sleepy emerald eyes and stared at her alarm clock beside her dark forest bed sheet with a matching blanket and pillow.

"5; 41 a.m." she mumbled. She slid down both her legs and stretched both her arms, while yawning.

Silence followed her as she turned her doorknob. She was greeted by a uneasy silence. As if she was the only person in the house.

When she reached their kitchen, she went to grabbed her bottle of water. Eyes half-closed as she drank water.

As she put back her bottle of water, slightly awake she went to her siblings.

As if following her instict...

She gently tap the door and slowky opened the door, only to see the bed neatly arranged, which was a bit a surprised. Her little sister's room was always messy which made her slightly awake from that.

She turned, facing another room and opened the door. She, again was greeted by emptiness.

"Mom and Dad are not also here." Mirage said looking at her parent's room.

"Where the heck is everybody? She asked loudly to herself, letting someone at home to hear her.

"Man, its still dawn." Mirage said sighing as she inside her room. She saw her bed as if inviting her to lay down. She closed the door behind her and went straight to her soft bed.

The moment she closed her eyes, she felt drowsy and she grabbed her blanket up to her shoulder and slept.

The chirps of the birds woke Mirage. The sun light covered all parts of her room. She opened one eye to see how high the sun was. Lazily, she sat up, slid her legs down the floor and stood, rubbing her eyes.

As she went outside her room, she went to checked if she really was left alone in their house. Nothing changed except a note on their ref saying


All of us are out for today. If you're asking where we are, it's a surprise. There's foods inside the ref, please cook for yourself and look after the house, okay.

Love from your family."

Before she finished reading the sticky note on the ref, she yanked opened the ref, saying "Yes, there are, but why raw?" and continued reading "Cook, huh? Fine, I'll cook then." She said, smirking. "Look for the house" Fine, Its not like the house will cry if I'm not here, right?" She added, wide smirk on her face.

She walked around the house to check if the house was clean. "Surroundings clear. I mean clean..." she said, as if she's one of the soldiers. She went towards their bathroom and took a long, relaxing bath.

When she finished taking her bath, she wore her robe and change clothes. Wearing a green t-shirt and a navy blue short pants, just below her knew.

She went to the kitchen and opened their ref,grabing their fresh milk and drank it on her mouth. Suddenly, she realised something and said on her mind "Dash, I should have use a glass... But since I can't undo my saliva in the milk, guess I have to finish it all." She held the fresh milk and reached the cereal.

She placed the milk and the cereal on the counter and reached for the bowl and spoon. The fresh milk filled the bowl making the cereals float. Then, quickly, Mirage held the bowl while the spoon on her mouth, walking towards the living room.

Normally, she would ate cereal on the counter but since she was alone, she went to the living.

As she sat on the couch and put the bowl, she grabbed the remote and turned their flat screen t.v. on.

"Since its Saturday, no class and no family for today, what should I do?" Mirage asked herself grinning.

"Maybe I should watch my anime today..." she added with a soft giggles.

She stood, the spoon still in her mouth and went towards her room. She opened her small cabinet, showing a neatly arranged c.ds in columns and the anime she was talking about was not there.

"Not here? Why, I didn't watch it?" she asked wrinkling her forehead. "Hillary would not touch my things without permission. Heather would watch anime when I do as well as Harri... I guess I misplaced It." she concluded.

She turned, closing the small cabinet. Trying to looked around in her room. She looked under her bed, under her table and inside her other cabinet and all that were possible to be hidden. A short sigh came out of Mirage's mouth and turned to her small cabinet to grabbed another c.d.

But her green eyes were wide opened, when she saw the anime she was looking for, was in the small cabinet. She rushed towards it pushing her face on the cabinet's glass saying "I know for sure it wasn't there..."

Then a chill hunt her down to her spinal cord to her nerves and asked herself saying "There's no way a ghost... Would do it, righ-"

But a cold hand touch Mirage's shoulder and smoke were floating freely, which lead her to shout in surprised, shocked and scared.

POW a sound of punch, as Mirage hand force out her emotion and to test if it's just a sight imaged.

But a thud sounded falling on the ground...

Thud...? Is someone there or just an imaginary sound?

~To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2013 ⏰

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