~Chapter 56~

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I know it's been wayyy too long!!! I apologize! I'm trying to get these updates back on track! I can't believe that this story is almost finished!! Ahhhh! Please enjoy and comment and vote for me!

Did you guys read In Your Eyes???? I've been getting so much positive feedback on it so thank you!
Happy reading:) x


I could feel all the stress piling up once again as I stuffed papers into my locker. It was my first week back at school and I had tons of things to do. Finals were next week along with the last week of school and I had to make up homework, projects, reading. But my mind really wasn't in it. I awoken this morning by hearing another knock on my balcony door. I've been so paranoid about everything so I had to wake up Louis and make him check it out. He wined and groaned but I didn't care. I was freaking out on the inside about everything.

This crazed and screwed up lady is trying to get a hold of me and was determined to take me away from Jay and Louis. Which worried me. Everything about this situation scared me to death. I don't think Louis really understands how terrifying this situation really is. I mean we were being stalked.My stomach would clench just thinking about it.

Jay was trying to talk to the police about it and start up an investigation but we didn't have much evidence to start anything up. I've just seen her a few times and she sent those pictures to our house and maybe broke in but none of us really know for sure if it's her. But I'm ninety-nine perfect sure it's her. 

I felt hands being placed on my waist making my body jump in surprise but relaxed once I felt the warm touch of his fingers circling my bare skin underneath my shirt.

''Do you have to scare me every time?'' I turned around  meeting his bright smile and blue eyes. I wished his good mood would bring my bad spirits up but it wasn't. I still felt stressed to the max.

"I called your name before I came over, but somebody ignored me.." A smirk had been placed on his lips. My back was pressed to the locker as his hand was on my waist with his other hand above my head leaning his body down closer to mine.

"Really? I guess I didn't hear you, I would never ignore you, kid." I bit the inside of my cheek as I felt my heart quick it's speed.

"You wanna know what I think?" He licked his lips

I cocked my head to the side. "What?"

"I think you are thinking too hard," he replied. Looking down at me. "What's going on, Shay?"

I never could pass by Louis, he seemed to always be able to know what I was thinking. But I didn't want to tell him. I just wanted this to be all over and not having to deal with this anymore. We had such a good time at the lake house and I feel like as soon as we got back we were overwhelmed by everything once again.

"It's nothing, I just have a lot of homework and reading to do. That's all." I replied. I wasn't lying to him. I was stressed out about that too. I was so behind in every class and I had to catch up if I wanted to graduate.

Louis stared into my eyes looking to find any sign if I was lying. I bite my lip nervously just wanting to move away from this subject.

"Are you sure?"

I sighed and nodded at him. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay." He dropped it. Thank god. But before any of us could say any more the bell had rung. My next class was chemistry which I didn't have with Louis. Just Chris.

"I'll see you fourth period for history and then lunch okay?'' His hand grabbed mine tugging myself close to him. He was never this insecure about things. Louis had been walking me to my class and picking me up from there all morning. It's not that I'm complaining, it's just the fact that he was never this.... close.

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