Why did this happen to me?---16

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Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.

Chapter 16

"Hey Lee-Lee, I'll be right back." Matt told me. He kissed my cheek and walked away before I could say anything. I sighed and watched him walk away towards his obnoxiously loud friends.

"Has he even introduced you to them?" Lizabeth asked and point her thumb towards his friends.

"No, but I'm happy here." I told her trying to sound sincere, but in truth wasn't. I was happy with my friends here, but I did want to be included in my boyfriend's life with his friends. Or at least be introduced to them.

Just then I was tapped on the shoulder and turned only to find a girl with died blonde hair standing there with a girl with real strawberry blonde hair slightly behind her.

"Yes?" I replied sweetly.

"Are you dating Matthew?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. Her face instantly turned hard. "Well you need to get over him little Brooklynn. He's no longer your freshman. He's mine." She growled and started to walk away, but that's when I stood up.

"Brooky." Tyler warned. I just waved it away with my hand.

"Look chick. If you want him then try and get him." I growled at her back making her stop and turn around. Disbelief written all over her face. "Yeah Kathleen I'm back and I remember you. I saw that video of Matt dumping you into the water saying that he loves me. So if you want to fight for him now I won't be that little girl who used to back down." If she looked scared at my outburst before then she was terrified now that I stepped closer to her. "My name is Brooklynn Leah Price and I'm not afraid of you anymore." I smirked at her reaction and stepped back. "And you can tell that to everyone." I smirked again before sitting down at my table. Alec was watching the girls behind me, Lizabeth looked at me shocked, but Cassy and Tyler were looking at me with a look that said they were proud of me.

 I smiled at this because I was no longer a scared little girl. I was no longer the teenage mother who lost one of her babies and was grieving heavily. No, Micheal helped me with that and no matter how much I miss him I know that he is in a better place and that I still have Elena. I wasn't going to be that weak little girl anymore, it was effecting my family and me more than they or I was willing to admit.

"Brook!" Alec shouted and immediately I ducked to the side before turning back around and facing a pissed off Kathleen. I raise my eyes brows at her and started to walk away, but she grabbed my hair and jerked me back.

After that she kept trying to punch and kick me, but I did well with blocking her obvious attempts. Suddenly Alec's arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up off her feet and then I saw one of her movements to late and wasn't able to block the kick to the area between my belly button and my private area.

 I doubled over as the pain hit me. Immediately I knew why it hurt that much. Matt’s arms went around my body and pressed my arms tighter against my stomach from where I had been holding my body to try and dim the pain. Matt tightened more and tried to lift me, but ended up letting go after I screamed out in pain. Bile rose into my throat and I tried desperately to not throw up my lunch.

"Brooks!" Cassy screamed franticly as she tried to see if I was okay. She looked down and I watched her eyes go wide. Her fingers touched right between my knees to confirm what I already knew were there.


Cassy's face-hardened and she stood up screaming angrily. "YOU STUPID SLUTTY WHORE!" Then Cassy slapped Kathleen across the face with her right land leaving four bloody smudges behind.

Why did this happen to me? Oh right cause I was stupid enough to take that drink.Where stories live. Discover now