Chapter 70: Truth Comes Out

Start from the beginning

The tape ends.

We listen to a few more tapes. Not much to talk about. They just talk about how Charles is doing. How his medications are working. Then they end a few days before his sixteenth birthday, when he killed himself.

"This doesn't make sense. He was fine! He was healthy!" I say after listening to the last tape.

Charles said he was doing better. The medications were working. He felt great. I can see the smile on his face as he spoke.

"It was probably all a bluff." Spencer says. "He had to have been bluffing."

I nod my head. "I'll be right back."

I walk to the guest room and open the closet. I kneel down and lift up the two loose floorboards. There's a hole that goes down about a foot, and in there, lyes a box. I take the box out and open it. I let out a deep breath and grab the multiple family videos.

I walk back out to the family room and kitchen.

"Here. I have some videos that we can watch. I just...don't know how we're going to watch them. We need a projector. old projector. Spencer, you wouldn't happen to have one, would you?" I ask.

Spencer chuckles. "I actually don't have one."

"Damn it." I whisper. "Worth a shot." I chuckle lightly.

I purse my lips. "Well...I'm tired. We'll figure out the rest of this tomorrow. Come on, babe." I say to Emily.

Hanna, Caleb and Carter sleep in the guest room, Spencer and Toby take the couches, Jason sleeps on the giant bean bag and Aria lyes on top of Jason. "Goodnight, my fellow love birds." I say.

"Goodnight." They all say back.

I check the locks and put all the files back in their boxes. Then I proceed to stack it all up on the island and go off to sleep.


The next day

Emily POV:
We all wake up around eight and Spencer makes breakfast.

Eggs, bacon, fruit salad, muffins, French toast and cereal.

We all eat before Alison goes to her old house to look for the projector we need.

"So...Alison has another sibling." Spencer says. "Interesting."

"You have another sibling." Aria says to Spencer. Spencer chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"That's true."

I'm looking through the files. We already listened to all of the tapes. There's nothing that stands out.

"But does she have a brother...or a sister?" Hanna questions with a confused look.

Aria, Spencer and I all shrug.

"I just don't get it. Why wouldn't she tell us about this sooner?" Aria says.

I give up on looking in the files and sigh. "This doesn't add up."

Alison finally gets back and she sets the projector up. "Let's watch, shall we?" She asks.


"Are you having a good birthday, Freddie?" 

"Yeah. When do I have to go back?"

"Not for a long time."

The last home video ends and all of us look completely lost.

"Who the hell is Freddie?" Hanna asks as she chews on some popcorn she made.

She insisted she had to have popcorn because we're watching home movies and it's like figuring out a mystery.

"His name isn't Freddie. That was Charles." Alison tells us. "I remember that day. He said it was the best birthday he ever had. He cried when we had to leave. He gave me his icing."

Hanna looks lost. "Where was your dad?" She asks.

"He wasn't there. My mom made Jason and I promise we wouldn't tell him. Or he would be mad." Alison says. I see tears brimming in her eyes.

We all sigh.

Suddenly there's a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." Caleb says.

Wow. I forgot the guys were still here.

He answers the door and I hear a faint voice.

"Hey, is Alison here?" The person asks.

It's a female.

Alison gets up and goes to the door and I hear her gasp.

"CeCe!" She exclaims.

Toby, Caleb, Hanna, Aria, Spencer and I all look at each other confused. "Who's CeCe?" Spencer asks.

"I have no idea." I tell her.

Alison and the girl walk into the living room and Eden runs to this CeCe person.

"Ce!" Eden giggles.

"Wow. I haven't seen you in forever." Alison says and hugs the girl.

She has longish blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Like Alison's.

She looks a hell of a lot like Alison.

"Hi. I'm CeCe. Alison and Jason's old friend." She tells us with a kind smile.

She looks at me and I see this look in her eyes.

Then it hits me.

She's the girl that was at Radley looking for the files and I.

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