December 9th

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I woke up feeling sore. I looked to see Chen right next to me. He was still asleep but had a smile on his face. I smiled too as I got up slowly and quietly to get dressed. "Minseok hyung, good morning." He said as I was about to leave my room. He was sitting on my bed and staring at me. I walked to him and sat next to him. "How are you feeling, Jongdae ssi?" I asked. He smiled shyly, "I had a fun time last night... I felt like I was going to remember everything. I may not have, but I will pray to remember all of you guys, especially you." I kissed him on the cheek and left. I worked part time at a cafe. The boss was really surprised to see me deciding to work in his cafe. He let me do anything I wanted and was very kind. I prepared coffee and did my work.

After I was done, I walked home. The sky was grey as usual but not snowing. I walked down the street and overheard a conversation, "Hey, you heard about what happened to the once famous group, Exo M's main vocalist?" "Yeah, car accident two months ago, but survived thankfully." "I hope he wakes up... He's been in a coma." I dropped my cup of coffee and my body started to break down. "He did, he woke up a week ago, but he lost his memories. Poor fella." "I bet the other members are in pain as well." I covered my ears and started to run with tears falling from my eyes. I ran back home and slammed the door behind me and jumped onto my bed. "WHY CAN'T I HAVE ONE PEACEFUL DAY??!" I screamed. Tears started to form from my eyes and put myself on my pillow. I promised myself not to cry anymore, but it doesn't seem like I can fulfill that promise... I can't bear to hear one more word about the incident... I just can't... It was all me... I caused the incident.

Miracles in December (A Xiuchen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now