The Face You Make When....

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That's the face I have when....

1) My bestie tells that a guy in my grade likes me even though I don't like him....-_-
(Happened once.....never again! I don't need a man in mah life! I've got me, myself and I!)

2) When my parents tell me we're  gonna move (MAYBE!)

3) When I find out I'm put into High School honor classes, and advanced classes.

4) When I read a confusing comment...

5) When I find out about something that everyone else knew about but me....

6) When someone doesn't like my fandoms....

7) When I ace my finals, even though I don't study!

8) When a teacher calls me their favorite student.....

9) When a teacher says to the class....
"You should be more like Erika, you should always study, take notes, and pass your tests"
Me: o-o?

10) When I can't get my waffles or bacon!

Plus it's my profile pic........

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