Niall crossed his arms.

"I just beat him at bowling, as usual." I sat down next to Zayn and stole a piece of pizza from his plate.

"You're lucky that I'm not Niall," Zayn said with a swat to my leg.

Everyone chuckled half-heartedly. All eyes seemed to settle on him.

My best friend locked his icy glare at me.

I halfway smiled, silently pleading for him to smile.

But he merely stood up, shoved his plate in into my hands, and tromped upstairs without a word.

"That's it," I said, putting the plate down.

"What?" Eleanor asked.

I started to the back door. "I have to break up with Connor."

"WHAT?" they all yelled.

"I can't do this anymore!"

"Darby, that's not right!"


"You can't just give up because he's being an idiot.

I spun on them.

"Niall means everything to me, okay?" I said, in tears. "And if he has a problem with Connor....then I'm just going to have to end it."

I ran outside and started the walk to Connor's house.

Each step felt like a funeral precession. Just like some sort of march to my death.

I tried not to cry, but that was impossible.

I couldn't handle him being angry at me. I had to have my best friend back. He was all I had.


I crossed my arms as I lay down on the bed.

Stupid Connor. Stealing my best friend. How could she even trust him? I should have never-

I heard them shouting. Then the door slammed.

Footsteps thundered up the stairs. Harry came into my room.

"Listen, you brat,"

"Shut up, Harry,"

"You shut up! Get your butt in that sand and go chase after her."

"Why should I?"

"Because she's crying, about to go break up with Connor, and its all your fault for being a selfish jerk!"

"Let her go," I scoffed. "I don't care if she gets rid of him."

"Well we do! So go get your best friend!"

"Not happening. After all I-"

"NIALL! THIS IS NOT. ABOUT. YOU! that is the first guy she has ever been in love with and you are ruining it! She cares about you more than anything, and that's why she's about to do something she doesn't want to do-for you! And if you cared about her like I know you do- like we all know you do- you'd run down there and stop her."

Alright, I'm man enough to admit it... what Harry said made me incredibly ashamed of myself.

"Got catch her!" he yelled.

I shot up and ran downstairs as fast as I could. My bare feet touched the sand as soon as I jumped out the door. I could see her already at Connor's house. I ran faster.


My call startled her, making her turn my way. But when she turned back to the house, she jumped back like something else scared her.

She stood stone still for a moment, then bolted off that deck as if her life depended on it.

She was crying, running into my arms.

"Darby, I'm so sorry. You didn't talk to him, did you?"

"" she sobbed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Him..." she sputtered. "He...he lied."

"What? What did he do?"


OOh....cliffhanger.... torture, right? hehehehe :) I'm going to go try and finish reading Take Me As I Am (GO READ IT!)

I can't wait to give you guys the next part!


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