Happy news and a gift

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The ball was only a day away and I had my dress and everything ready. Well Katya did at least. I was too busy training for prima at the ballet. I had a lot of training to do. The year I turned 20 would be the year I was finally prima. It was mostly my age that held me back. Madame Markova wanted me to be a least 20 before I took the place. I couldn't wait. 1917 was the year my dreams would come true. Or so I thought.

"Oh Annika you will look lovely tomorrow!" Katya said as we admired my dress. I laughed a bit. Katya had no problem taking the role of a Igoreks wife. She fit in perfectly with Russian society. With her gentle ways and bursts of energy she was perfect.

I was worried though. Lately she had appeared sick at times. Not all the time just for a little while during the day at different times. I was starting to worry she was fading away like Mama had. Fine on day dead the next. Right now she was sitting on her bed looking dizzy.

"Katya what's wrong? Do you want me to fetch a doctor? I am sure Andrey's father could come."

Dr. Botkin who was the tsarvitchs main doctor had given Andrey's father the week off. He was one of Dr. Botkins favorite assistants and would take over if the good doctor himself couldn't. Andrey's father could easily open up his own practice. He was an amazing doctor and was even trained under Botkin himself but he wanted to stay. To make sure if he was ever needed he would be there.

"Nyet. No need for it Annika. I have already seen a doctor." Now she was grinning at me. Her white teeth flashing.

"Well then what's wrong? You know I am terribly impatient." Which was true. Even to this day I still have zero patience.

Katya laughed her beautiful laugh and looked at me with sparkling blue eyes.

" I am going to have a baby Annika!" Well that sure was a shock to me.

"Wow.....a baby...That's great Katya!!!!!!" I hugged her and she started crying.

"Oh...what did I do? Did I say something?"

"N-n-no I am just s-s-so h-h-h-appy!!!!" She cried. Now her tears were gone in a flash. Which was strange because Katya was not one to laugh,cry,and laugh again. Me maybe but not her.

"Does Igorek know?"

"Heavens no! Why I am going to tell him tonight!"

"Annika!!! Andrey's here!!" I heard Alisa call from downstairs. I flew down the shiny staircase towards the door.

"You might want to say something before she head on kisses you." Alisa said in her usual teasing way.

"Alisa! Why I never!" I made a move towards her and she scampered away no doubt into the same room that was full of laughter right now. At my expense. I knew my cheeks were probably beet red by now.

"Good evening Tanstor." Andrey said grinning wide trying not to laugh at me.

"Oh go ahead. Laugh I know you want to."

"No I wouldn't laugh at you, Your too pretty." He kissed my cheek and we walked over to the chairs in the sitting room.

This was not helping my whole blushing dilemma.

We visited a while and shared in the joy of Katya's news. Then it was time for Andrey to leave. Tomorrow would be the ball....my first ball!!!

"Good night my Annika. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and left as I waved from the doorway. I sighed as I shut the door softly and went to bed. Tomorrow would indeed be a wonderful day.

I smoothed down my dress and looked in the mirror. It was a midnight blue ballgown with little crystals all over. I loved it. I had satin slippers to match and I tied my hair in a simple ribbon. Wow..this was me! I was really going to the ball with Andrey! The winter ball! I did a little twirl around the room and admired how the skirt moved. Katya had done an amazing job picking it out.

I went down the hallway towards Katya's room and took in a deep breath. She was even prettier then the last time! Her skin holding it's own faint glow her eyes constantly like crystals. A sweet smile on her lips. Her dress a lovely light blue that matched her eyes and went wonderfully with her hair,

"Oh Annika! You look so lovely! So grown up!" Katya turned to look at me. It was nearing the time to leave and Alisa was at the ballet probably already eating supper.

"Thank you Katya, You look even prettier!"

"Now now you both look like angels." Igorek came in and stood next to his wife kissing her cheek.

"Thank you Igorek but really Katya looks like the image of an angel...in a ballgown!"

"I won't argue there Annika. You are right."

We both laughed and I resisted the urge to sit down. I was too afraid it would spoil the dress!

I heard talking downstairs. It was Andrey! He was talking to the butler downstairs.

"Sorry I have to go!" I said turning away to go greet him.

"She really is in love isn't she." Katya said when I had just left the room. I could still hear them even though I was by the staircase now.

"Yes my dear she is."

More then they knew.

"Annika! Is that you?" Andrey asked laughing.

"Oh you goose! Of course it is!"

"Well then I will be the luckiest man alive tonight. I will get to dance with the prettiest girl in all of Russia!"

"Well you might have competition with Igorek. Did you see Katya? She's lovely!"

"I am sure she is. Come here. I have something that will go perfect with that dress."

He pulled out the most gorgeous glass ballerina necklace I had ever seen. It was a beautiful glass with a dark blue tint. The same as my dress. I had seen it in a shop window before and had fallen in love with it.

"Andrey! It's too much really!" I exclaimed shocked.

"Well do you like it?"

"Of course! It's the most beautiful thing in the world!"

"Well then it's yours." He took it from my hands and gently put it around my neck clasping the back.

"There! Perfect!"

He didn't know it but that little ballerina necklace would be my favorite treasure. Sure I had some things that Mama had owned once and some things from Katya but this was special. It meant more to me then all the diamonds and rubies in Russia!

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