"It is your home. Everything's waiting for you, just like you left it. I'm taking care of all your stuff for you."

She nodded. "Thanks for keeping my sword safe."

"You'll be wearing it yourself soon enough."

She smiled, but she didn't say anything. Her new desire to stay on Earth awhile longer were too complex to explain yet, even to her best friend. Her vision faded to black as her mind drifted into a deeper sleep.

The next morning, Valerie woke to the loud sounds of breakfast being made, and she knew that Tan must be up. He was the only one who ever got up before she did.

"Eggs and toast!" Tan said triumphantly when Valerie and Henry left their tents. "My birthday present to you!"

"Tan, this is so thoughtful, thank you," she said, and gave him a squeeze.

"We all gotta eat lots of protein and stay strong so we can kill Venu when we get to the Globe," Tan said cheerfully.

Valerie and Henry froze, staring at him. He whistled as he continued to cook, as if he hadn't said anything strange at all.

"Nobody's killing anybody," she managed to choke out. "That's not the way we deal with our enemies."

Tan dropped the pan he was holding with a clatter and turned to face her. He was scowling, and his cheeks flushed an ugly red. He took a step toward her, and she could have sworn he was half ready to fight her. But before the thought could fully register, Tan started to shudder.

"Not now!" he said as Thai regained control.

"I-I'm sorry," Thai said. Then he turned and jogged toward the beach.

She started to follow him, but Henry put his hand on her shoulder. "Give him space and time to make sure that Tan's really out of his system. Remember, you don't have your magic to protect you if he goes nuts."

"Tan would never hurt me."

"No, Thai would never hurt you. Stay away from Tan."

"He's just emotional from everything that's happened to him. He'll come around with time."

Henry raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything.

"The queen of awkward timing has arrived!" Kanti announced, popping into view next to Henry. It broke the tension.

Henry's face softened into a smile. "I thought you'd still be sleeping. If you're here to check on me, I'm fine, you know. You gotta take care of yourself, too."

"Um, Henry, I hate to break it to you, but not everything's about you," Kanti teased. Valerie loved how she was able to turn her brother's insecurities around on him. No one was able to get him to let down his guard the way Kanti could. Maybe it was because she had been his imaginary friend as a child, but Valerie suspected it was more than that. The two seemed like kindred spirits.

"Actually, I come bearing news for our girl Val here. Cy and I bumped into Azra, and Cy gave her your crystal so she can come visit you wherever you are. She needs to talk to you about something important."

Valerie hadn't yet mentioned the crystals to Henry, as was evident by the confused expression on his face. So she quickly explained that, on the Globe, the crystals were special charms that allowed only the person holding one to immediately find the person it was linked to. Anyone else, like the Fractus, had to find them the old-fashioned way—by hunting them down like Zunya did. She told him that usually Cyrus kept hers and Kanti kept his. Thai's crystal hung from a chain around Valerie's neck, but on Earth it was cold and dead, without magic to power it.

Valerie finished her cold eggs and soggy toast. She could never let food go to waste, given how many times she hadn't had enough of it. Thinking of her past reminded her of the friends she had left behind at the hospital when her adventure began.

What had become of Dr. Freeman, her personal physician, or sweet Ming who was struggling with cancer, or Jeremiah who she took under her wing at the hospital? What had become of them while she traveled to the center of a black hole and embraced her magic? She had the sudden, overpowering urge to see them one last time before she left Earth again, this time for good.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Henry and Kanti became absorbed in a discussion about what was more important to a great song, rhythm or lyrics.

"I'm going for a walk," Valerie said.

"Later, debater," Kanti and Henry said at the same time, and then they grinned at each other.

"I made that up, originally, you know," Kanti announced.

"No way!" Henry protested.

Valerie shook her head, listening to their fading voices as she headed toward the beach in the opposite direction that Thai had taken.

As she walked, she twisted the ring on her thumb, bringing to mind her mentor on the Globe, Gideon, who had given it to her. He'd called it the Laurel Circle. Like Thai's crystal, on Earth it had no power, but it was still beautiful and reminded her to overcome her fear and trust herself and her instincts.

What her instincts were screaming right now was that it was impossible to imagine leaving Earth without Thai, but she knew he and Tan couldn't come to the Globe until they separated. What would Henry say if she told him that she was going to wait for Thai? What would Cyrus think?

I had almost forgotten how beautiful a true dawn on Earth is, Azra's musical voice entered Valerie's mind, reminding her of bells. The beautiful unicorn gracefully trotted beside her, her iridescent mane rippling in the breeze as if she was really next to her on the beach.

Valerie's worries receded in her mind. Azra always exuded peace, even when she was projecting from the Globe.

"It's good to see you again," Valerie said. "Is everything okay? Kanti said you needed to see me about something."

Azra turned her dark eyes to Valerie's, and they stopped walking. Our allies on Earth will be with you soon, and I wanted to speak with you before you returned to the Globe. Things have changed here since you left. We had hoped after you changed Sanguina that the attacks of the Fractus on the Globe and their appearances on Earth would slow. But the opposite has happened.

"Sanguina's still attacking people, even now?"

I don't think it's Sanguina, Azra said, and Valerie could sense her worry. I have always thought she was a lost soul, not capable of organizing a true attack against the Conjurors. It is someone else, and I fear that person is getting ready to start a war.

"But why? To return to Earth?"

Azra nodded grimly. There is more, Valerie. The Conjurors on the Globe are very scared, and they need a leader. News of your power, and how you saved Sanguina, has amazed everyone. A new vivicus has not been seen since Conjurors roamed Earth. They expect you to guide them.

"Me? I'm just a kid!"

You are special, Valerie. But I do agree that this responsibility is too heavy for your young shoulders. Gideon and I, along with several others, are committed to developing your inner leader when you return to the Globe.

"Maybe I should wait to come back, then," Valerie blurted. "An extra year, and all this will die down."

That only you can decide, Azra said, but she didn't seem surprised. How long had Azra suspected that she was considering staying on Earth with Thai? Remember, you will grow increasingly weaker on Earth. Staying too long could be fatal. But when you are ready, your magic and your life on the Globe will be waiting for you.

And so would her responsibilities, Valerie knew, and an invisible weight settled on her shoulders.


I hope you're continuing to enjoy the story. If you are, please vote!

Also, I've had a few comments about what Valerie Diaz looks like. Before I share my idea, any thoughts from you? I'm happy to post fan art or pics at the front of the next chapter.

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