Chapter Two

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June 22, 2005

So me and Sofia had a baby last year. And it's twins. The first one is Mika and the second one was Danna. And me and Sofia is now my wife! We celebrated our wedding last year . So I forgot to tell you that my birthday is on January 3, 1983. So now I'm 23 and Sofia is 22.

And she told me about Forever Land, I told her what is Forever Land. She said it means heaven. So then I said why does it mean heaven? So then she replied saying 'People thought heaven is just where you live when you die. But no. Because you are not just gonna live there, you're gonna live there forever and you'll be very very happy forever. People say forever is damn nothing. But heaven is Forever. '. So then I said to her "I don't believe in forever. BUT I BELIEVE IN LOVE."

So then one of our baby's crying and it's Mika. I then sung 'Twinkle Twinkle'. To make her stop from crying. So then me and Sofia then talked about if I die would I be in Forever Land or Forever alone? Also Forever alone means hell. Lol. So then she said 'Forever Land is actually not heaven. It's a place that makes you always happy.'.

So it was night time 9:00 PM and then me and Sofia then slept on our bed. And I woke up without seeing her next to me. I went to our living room, kitchen, Mika and Danna's bedroom and at the bathroom. Lelz. But I can't find her. So then I saw a letter at our room saying 'Forever Land' again with the same handwriting of what I saw last August 11, 1993.

I was so shocked. So then I found out that my wife gone and went to Forever Land. But I don't know where it is. So what I did was find a map or something but then I found out she left clues and hints. There's 7 hints I saw.

The 1st one is a broken piece of a map. So then I continued then it was a map puzzle. Maybe it's the way to go to Forever Land. So then I solved it. And now I know where the forever land is. It's in the Saint miner street 18. It looks like an abandoned street, cause it's dusty and dark as well. So then I found a little house with a letter saying 'You wanna go here. If you go here you are not allowed to leave.'.

But I love Sofia so then I accidentally stepped on something. Something then came out with a weird sound that we don't like to hear. So then someone said Forever Land! And then the one that I saw with a weird sound is all pitch-black. It's so dark and something fell in that dark pitch-black hole. And it's Sofia my wife. I was shocked then. Cause she is sleeping. She looked pale with white lips and wearing a white dress like a pale faced angel. And then I took her to the hospital. The doctor said she's still alive. So I was so happy! So then she woke up with a surprise by me.

The doctor said she has Insomnia. And then Sofia said she has been awake since I had a car crash. She said in the Forever Land it looked like a pale dark sky with clouds as well. It looked like a giant maze by every single step she take something will appear around her.

She said, it looked like a map but it's like a maze map. I see it blurry and looked like abandoned. I thought It was all just a dream and I have nothing to do. I always cry in Forever Land cause I have nothing to talk with. I have nothing to eat as well. I thought that was the last day of my life. I slept in an abandoned bed. I woke up here in the hospital. And I thought that I will always live there. That place was pitch-black and a dark paled sky and with a grey clouds.

So then I said to her, everything is fine, except you. So then she said, sorry, for hurting your feelings I just wanna go there cause I think I will be happy forever. So then I said, so you mean you're not happy with me. Then she replied saying, I am happy with you, but I have an Insomnia. I want to be always happy forever. At least if I cannot sleep then I'm happy there in Forever Land.

I was so wrong. I replied, Sorry, I know you have Insomnia but don't leave me without asking permissions. I am your husband. She then said, I know, and I would be more happy if we go there together forever. I said,

I wanna go there with you too.

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