The Woman In You

136 22 11

She rages like a kindled fire
While she cradles her young child in her warm arms.
She's as resolute as a tightly-strung lyre.

An epitome of elegance and burning passion combined, she's born to inspire...
She's the storm that follows an unsettling calm.
She rages like a kindled fire.

As feminine as a flowering rose bud and just as lethal when messed with, she's a work to be admired...
She can be a broken man's healing salve.
She's as resolute as a tightly-strung lyre.

She's a frozen Azalea sometimes and a pristine Camellia as well, oh I'm no liar...
She'll nurse that young calf...
She rages like a kindled fire.

She's in you, she's in me, she'll stand by through every tribulation and trial...
Her love leaves behind no scars.
She's as resolute as a tightly-strung lyre.

Someday, when you grow up, you'll transform into her when the need is dire.
She'll stand by, she'll cry, she'll laugh.
She rages like a kindled fire.
She's as resolute as a tightly-strung lyre.


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