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Dressing the boys is literally my job.

I'd helped style them for shows every night, and about a dozen red carpet events now.

Caroline always dealt with Zayn, because he could be a nightmare. Niall and Liam were always relatively easy, but never really wanted to dress up. And Louis was just, like, Louis.

We didn't fight them much for the World premiere, but Caroline really envisioned an all black and white look for the New York event and I supported the decision.

That Burberry heart shirt was one of my favorite pieces of clothing. It like, exemplified Harry. Hearts everywhere. I'd been dying for him to wear it. So I knew this look wasn't going to be that exciting on my end, because it was going to be pairing a lot of simple solids. But I'd underestimated Harry Styles in black and white and with a tan.

I'd had my own make up done tonight, since there were events after, and looked pretty good in a white Isabel Marant slip dress, if I did say so myself. I had sky high black Louboutins on my feet, and had just stepped into them when I got a text to meet Harry in one of the suites the boys had been getting ready in.

It was a little surprising, because we'd been really distant from each other all week, but I was happy to be needed.

On these sorts of nights where we're all running around there are literally dozens of people swirling about, tending to things. But when I slipped into his room we were completely alone. 

No handlers. None of the other boys.

And I'm glad.

Because when that still only 19-year-old boy walked towards me and asked if I could help button his top button, I gulped. Loudly. The simplicity of black and white and his tan from running around London with me made him literally look like a teenage dream. His hair was quaffed perfectly, the color on his face made his eyes even greener.

He was going to break every heart on that carpet tonight.

He had to have heard my gulp, but I found my voice and mumbled "cleaned up nice, Styles" as shaky hands raised up to fasten the button.

I was too busy trying to squash my own reaction and I didn't notice that he hadn't said a thing since I'd entered until I stepped away and his eyes stayed very plainly on my face.

"You look beautiful, Lex."

Harry is sweet. He's full of compliments. For everyone. All the time. But this, combined with the way his eyes looked so deadly and uncharacteristically serious, made my cheeks flame.

I forget I'm never really wearing a ton of makeup around him. And I'm glad I made the decision and accepted Caroline's offer to get dolled up.

"Thanks," I say, a little bit awkwardly late.

"Wish I could just hang out with you all night," he sighs, burnt out from doing so much promotion.

That was a change.

We'd been doing junkets and prepping for the movie's release in New York and it was really getting to him. I'd noticed he hadn't been himself all week. He'd been distant. A lot quieter than normal, and every time I'd asked if he was alright he'd given me a weak answer. So I'd sort of tried to leave him alone more, which was a lot harder for me than I'd ever anticipated.

The boys were relegated to the hotel because of security reasons. The whole world knew they would be in New York for this premiere. So I spent more time with Caroline, shopping and going out to dinner. A little with Lou, which was pretty rare, but she was finally seeming to warm to me. I even played video games with Niall one afternoon, when Harry and Zayn were paired off and doing press and he asked so nicely. I'd also reached out to some old friends from college and grabbed coffee a couple times, since I was in the city I used to live in. The most difficult time away from Harry had been the night before, since the boys had the VMAs and Taylor was going to be there.

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