I felt a lump forming in my throat, just wanting him to realize that I was right there in front of him. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just nodded in response.

     To my dismay, Calum continued on. "I don't want to try to meet someone; I just want the timing to be right and fall in love unexpectedly. I just want to look at someone and feel that feeling where you just know you're in love." Calum stopped for a moment, getting a sudden headache from the alcohol he drank a little bit ago. "Wait a minute...I'm sorry."


     "I forgot you love me," Calum blurted out. I stared at him for a moment, feeling too awkward to say anything.

     "Well, yeah," I looked down at the blankets, tempted to crawl under them forever and never come out.

     Calum sat up for a moment, groaning in pain from a sudden headache. I sat up immediately, concern in my eyes.

     "Shit," he muttered.

     "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked him, putting the back of my hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever coming on. I moved my hand down to his cheek, then his neck.

     Calum swallowed dryly, taking a deep breath. "I just have an awful migraine. Could you maybe get me some water, please?"

     I nodded, walking out to the kitchen and getting Calum some ice cold water. When I came back to the bedroom, he was massaging his temples with a pained expression on his face.

     "Here you go," I smiled. "I put a whole bunch of ice in it, too."

     "Thankyou, Luke."

     "No problem, do you need anything else?" I offered, sitting back down on the bed.

     "I think I'm okay," he answered, taking another sip of his water. "Thankyou, though."

     I smiled, and he smiled back at me for a moment before leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I felt myself beginning to blush, and I just gave him a shy smile before telling him 'goodnight' and 'have a good sleep.'


     I didn't wake up until around noon, and even then Ashton was the only one person awake. I found him sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal and staring at something on his phone. He looked up to see me standing there, and instead of smiling or saying 'good morning,' he gave me an odd stare.

     "Luke, what is this?" He asked, referring to my tweet about Calum and I when I said it was fake.

     I shrugged and nearly stuttered, almost intimidated by his tone of voice. "I um, felt like the fans deserved to hear the truth."

     "But why now?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "Why didn't you tell any of us you were going to tell the fans?" He set his phone down and seemed somewhat upset, but as the silence went on, his face softened a bit. "Did something happen?"

     I avoided his gaze, getting out a bowl for cereal. I didn't say anything at first; I poured my cereal and milk and stared down at my spoon for a while. "It was because of how he reacted when I told him I loved him. Remember?" I asked, recalling Ashton attempting to comfort me. I sighed before continuing, "anyway, I just felt like lying about us made it worse for me. I just really want to get over him."

     As if on cue, Calum came into the room and sat down with us. I knew I was going to have to start talking about something so it wouldn't seem suspicious, so I asked him the first thing that came to mind.

     "How's your hangover?" I wanted to know, and he just groaned.

     "It feels like someone is drilling a nail into my head," he said, "and I feel like if I eat something I'll be sick."

     "Why don't you lay back down, then? Maybe you need some more sleep," I suggested, "at least take some medicine or something."

     "Yeah, I'll take some medicine," Calum said, reaching into the cabinet. "Dealing with hangovers is going to take some getting used to."

     I glanced at Ashton for a moment, both of us with the same confused look our faces. Ashton spoke up, "what do you mean it's going to take some getting used to?"

     "Are you saying that, going out and partying wasn't a one-time thing? That you're going to be doing this often?" I questioned.

     "Yeah, why not?"

I made some chapter questions for you guys so just comment your answers to them:

- What do you think about Calum going out to party? Why do you think he wants to?

- How were you feeling when you read about Calum talking about love?

- What do you think of Luke's letter to the fans?

Okay that's all! Hopefully I'll post soon! Comment, vote, and follow for more updates!

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