Chapter [17]

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Because this book is now published, content stops after chapter twenty. Please proceed with this information in mind.  

S e v e n t e e n

            Surprising how it was my first time to ride in a police car, but not my first time being handcuffed. All three of us were chained together in the back of a police vehicle. The police officer was no one I was familiar with. She was mean looking and tough, like she could effortlessly beat up any full grown man twice her height and weight.

            However, the police rookie accompanying her I recognised as the boob who was there at school the day Ryder and I got handcuffed. I think his name was Drew. I scowled at him. It must have been a pretty menacing glare because he gave me a sheepish half-smile and turned around in his seat, directing his gaze away from me.

            The ride was tense. Neither of us spoke. Ryder looked out the window, hands clenched, body tense. Caine sat on the other side of me, staring straight ahead. Although it was dark inside the dark I could see his battered face. His lip was swollen and bloody, grains of sand sprinkled through his brown hair.

            At the police station, we were held inside a room, with one of those long mirrors that ran across one side of the wall. I wondered if it were one of those reflective ones where people from a secret room next door could examine our every move. The room was warm, no windows and the only escape was the door, which was no doubt locked and probably guarded.

            I wasn't sure how much trouble we'd be in and I wasn't even sure if we'd get special consideration for being underage, especially since both Ryder and Caine were recently considered legal adults. The fact that Caine had a bit to drink was also an issue I dwelled upon. The chairs we were sitting on were extremely uncomfortable; plastic and hard. Tipping my head back, I glanced up at the bright, fluorescent light above and groaned. I stared at the blinding bulb until blinding spots burred my vision.

            The heavy door creaked as it opened. Straightening in my seat, I directed my sight towards the policeman who walked into the room. Spots still covered the image that formed before my eyes, but once my eyes had adjusted, I saw a familiar caterpillar moustache and beer belly.

            Officer Brandy.

            He waddled into the room, hands on his hips, fingers hooked through his belt. The keys dangling from the compartment on his belt jingled with every step until he fully walked in. Officer Brandy studied us for a moment and when he realised it was us, his eyes widened.

            "Kids!" he yelped in surprise.

            That earned him three typical teenage silent-death stares. Sensing his appearance hadn't exactly made us happy chappies, he grunted, put on a stern face and held open the door.

            "Head outside."

            We stood lazily and shuffled towards the exit. I was sure it was midnight at the latest and wondered when we would be able to go home. A shower and bed sounded amazing at that moment. I really didn't want to have to deal with all this legal business.

            We were led down the hall towards a little reception area where I spotted my sister. I had never been so relieved to see Eve. She was in her maternity pyjamas, leaning against the counter, her nose basically pressed against the security glass that separated her from the police officer sitting behind it.

            "Listen... I have a butterfinger in my bag... What do you say we make a little negotiation? I'll give you my butterfinger if you give me that nacho."

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