Thinking Out Loud

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Kanan pov
"Ok, so the plan is I will distract the troopers and possibly the inquisitor, with Lyra. While I do that Sabine and Zeb will get Ali and Ezra. Hera you'll stay here with chopper ready to take off." I tell everyone the plan.
"Ok!" Everyone said cheerfully.
Time skip
'Everyone go to the hatch, we are landing in 5' Hera said over the com.
Ali pov
Ezra and I were sitting in the cell, when the ship shook. Ezra and I knew it was the crew.
"Our rescue party is here." Ezra said jokingly.
"Yeah let's just hope they have a plan, unlike last time."
The door opened and their stood Sabine and Zeb. We got up and ran. We ran into the docking bay and saw no troopers, alive, and nothing. We ran to the ship, along with Kanan and Lyra.
We flew away, once again escaping imperials.
But I didn't really feel safe on the ghost anymore.
"Can me and Ali have some time to rest?" Ezra asked, I knew we weren't going to sleep.
"Sure, you guys have been through a lot." Hera said as she walked in. Kanan was about to object when Hera sent him a glare.
We walked into our room. I heard the others go to their rooms too.
"Why does the ghost no longer feel safe to you? I mean I feel like that too. At least a little." He asked sitting on his top bunk.
"Well it's just I feel like I don't trust them anymore."
"Yeah, me too."
"Maybe we should leave?" I say glancing at him.
"Maybe we should."
"We could leave next time we are on lothal."
"Yeah that's a good idea."
"Ok then."
We both fell asleep.

You'll be Safe (Star Wars Rebels)(on hold!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora