Wow the ending of this one-shot totally sucks xD
Lycanthropy has been shown to be nothing but useful. At least, in your opinion. With Kodlak dead, your new position as Harbinger was rather too sudden for your taste, Shield-Brother and Sister constantly asking for assistance with tasks they had in mind. Tasks that took you all the way to Windhelm. To the Rift. To Winterhold. Pretty much all over Skyrim. Sometimes you thought the Companions did way too much. And being Harbinger wouldn't change their ways. They had no leader, apparently. You supposedly were to only guide them, and dedicate commitment to the faction as much as possible. Even if the group was filled with a bunch of law-loving wolves. Back to lycanthropy, you knew that Kodlak apparently did not feel as content as wanted with his beast powers. He's changed the views of some of the Companions. Vilkas clearly wanted no future plans with the Werewolf abilities. What you saw in lycanthropy was a surge of new power. Life. Greater opportunities. Greater chances to live, to survive. The ability to be faster and more agile. More powerful than a group of trolls. Frost trolls. Hopefully, you thought, the other members would keep a firm grasp of their common sense, and learn the beauty of the blessing. You thought things were going in your favor. No one had complained about their power.
That is, until Farkas had come up to you one night, requesting that you return with him to Ysgramor's Tomb to cure him of the beast inside. You were utterly disturbed at how relieved he seemed when he knew you still had four of the five heads of the Glenmoril Witches you had slain for Kodlak just before the time he died. But, it was no concern of yours to make decisions on behalf of his life. If he no longer wanted the power to shift into the powerful beast form that had aided you through difficult times, then so be it. There was no getting it back.
When you had placed a witch head on the flickering purple flame, you watched as his beast form separated from his physical body, and challenged you to a death match. Without reluctance, you pulled out two swords, being a dual wielder. You were faster with two. Two meant double. Double the damage. And thus, quickening the time it took to deliver the kill. The wolf spirit had taken no more than six slashes to be defeated. Three slashes for both arms. You felt somewhat sorry for having to kill such a powerful beast, but since Farkas did not want those powers, you had to.
"There." You said, sheathing both swords. "Satisfied now?"
"Yes." He measly said. "I feel more alive.. It's hard to explain." He shrugged.
You nodded. "Good. When you're pleased with everything, I'll be waiting outside of the tomb. We'll depart back to Whiterun once you're finished with your business here." You adjusted your gauntlets to a comfortable position, and turned to leave.
"Hold on a second, Harbinger." You felt him lightly grab your shoulder. Of course, you stopped walking and turned your head to your Shield Brother.
"Yes?" You spoke, a bit impatiently.
"Why don't you let go of your wolf powers?"
"Well, because-" You paused. How could he ask such an obvious question? This power- no- this gift, has been nothing but beneficial. Even in the toughest of situations, the strength of the wolf inside is capable of allowing you to take the lives of hundreds easily, and your agile movement would allow an easy escape. "Isn't it obvious?" You shrugged.
"As wise as you are, I think you're becoming a bit obsessive. Well, not obsessive, but it's all you rely on now. There's a strength more promising than that." His low and gruff voice made the situation seem a bit more serious than it should of. You were about to just leave, ignoring his reasonings.
"Oh? And what's that?" You asked with false curiosity and interest.
".... I don't really know myself." He admitted, sounding a bit uncertain of himself.
"Hm." You hummed.
"But it's just the satisfaction of knowing that you have the capabilities of killing without such pow-"
"So you're implying that I cannot fight without my beast form?" You folded your arms.
He sighed. "Not at all."
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, what's that?" You asked, pretending to hear game from outside. "It sounds like.. Troll? Bear? If it's bear, it should suffice for a good meal." You climbed your way up and out of the tomb. Fresh and crisp air suddenly met your touch, a relaxing feeling compared to the dense atmosphere inside of the confinement.
"What beast would you find in these areas of Skyrim?"
"Oh, you'd be surprised," you said. "What beast wouldn't you find?"
The sound of your name had caused you to turn towards the exit of the tomb. You watched as Farkas had climbed out, brushing the dirt and dust from his armor.
You took a deep breath. "Look, Farkas. I know you're looking out for me and all, but trust me. I can handle this strength and power."
He sighed, and then nodded. "I understand. Just be careful- I don't want you getting hurt. I'll always be right there for you."
You looked at him and gulped nervously. "And I as well."

Skyrim: An Arrow to the Heart
Fanfiction(Reader x Various) A collection of one-shots of your favorite Skyrim characters. 1. Brynjolf 2. Farkas 3. Vilkas [in progress...]