Brynjolf. That's all I can say. Brynjolf McSassyPanties. Because. Yes. ((SABBBBEERRR OUT))
Brynjolf had offered a job. Claimed it would be a generous pay. That you'd be wealthy enough to buy another house, or even a manor. There was no point in a second home, you supposed, but the extra coin may prove to be beneficial later on in life. And Brynjolf had tagged along on your mission, interested in what the big deal was about.
"So, who are we looking for?"
"An Argonian."
"Damn, these lizards are nothing but trouble, aren't they?" Multiple encounters throughout your missions had something to do with at least one Argonian. Coincidence? You think not. "And sure, he's an Argonian." You rolled your eyes. "Bryn, I need a name. There is a countless number of Argonians living in Skyrim."
Short pause.
"I actually don't know."
"Well isn't this is a surprise?" You said, quite amused.
"You know better, lass. I'd have more information, but the old Khajiit wouldn't say anything other than 'He's visiting Skyrim, currently in Markarth.'"
You groaned loudly, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. "What's the matter, lass?"
"You don't have the bloodiest idea how much I hate that city." You scoffed, clenching onto your steed's reigns rather tautly. "Do I have to do this? I mean, it's a Khajiit asking us this favour. Like, what's he going to pay us? Skooma? Please."
"Lass, you know that there are much far more complicated reasons as to why we perform such tasks. I told you, this can result in a great load of money."
You sighed. "Is this always the case?"
"Not necessarily." He shrugged.
Markarth. As terrible as you remembered it to be. You've had unfortunate experiences here, be it Cidhna Mine, the Forsworn, the Warrens, Silver-Blood, whatever. And you've definitely spent your time here in the mine. Your job doesn't go without a price. As you entered past the city walls, smell of blood, not very clean water, and blood lingered everywhere. And just the stone architecture was enough to make you uncomfortable. How could these people live here?
Anyways, there could be some good things, you think. Some benefits perhaps? ...Quite unlikely. Even the people here can be quite cold and distant. The best thing to do was to get your task completed. quickly, and then leave hastily.
"Markarth's a huge place, lass. Where'd you like to start first?" Brynjolf asked, walking alongside you across a stone bridge.
"I think it'd be helpful for you to finally tell me what we're doing for or to him, first of all." You looked at him with annoyance.
"You know how the Khajiit are. He wants something back. A valuable. I'd look for clues before questioning him, lass. Actually, that should be a last resort."
"And what would that 'valuable' be?"
"That's what you're going to find out." He said with a somewhat malicious smile. You ignored that.
"You know," You start, catching his attention by ceasing your steps. "I've never seen an Argonian here in the Reach...." You said, attempting to think of a time if you have.
Brynjolf took a moment, then sighed. "Stay focused, lass. It doesn't matter whether you've seen one here or not. What matters is that you find him."
"Damn Brynjolf. I expected you to help me, not lollygag someplace else." You muttered, entering Arnleif and Sons Trading Company.
"Ah, greetings, [Name]." The owner, Lisbet said. She knew you were a part of the Thieves Guild. Otherwise she would have been much more open and friendly. "What can I do for you..?"
"I was wondering whether you knew an Argonian." You slowly spoke, as if you were already suspecting that they knew the lizard.
You felt her tense a bit, the room growing a bit cold. Maybe it was just you, but it seemed so. "No, [Name]. I don't have the slightest clue where you got that from. Are you feeling alright? Imedhnain, please escort our customer to the Silver-Blood Inn."
You raised an eyebrow. "Now what makes you think I'm ill? Imedhnain, do you think there's something wrong with me?" The poor assistant. He didn't know what to say.
"Follow orders. Do as I say, Imedhnain."
"Seems a bit suspicious when you're sending me away all of sudden due to the fact that I mentioned the Argonian. What are you hiding?" You knew that this was the best place to search first because this was a general goods store. Which meant there would be much trading going on. And offers...
"Don't make me call the guards on you, [Name]." Her voice began to grow shaky.
"And now you're threatening me. My dear Lisbet, if you're trying to lower my suspicions, you aren't doing a very good job at it." You smiled, feeling quite triumphant. "After all, I haven't done anything worthy of punishment."
"Whatever you're looking for, it isn't here! Imedhnain, escort her out, now!" She was deeply frustrated. Perfect. She resorted to one of the two bedrooms of the shop, slamming the door behind her.
You heard another door open from behind. You swirled around to find Brynjolf entering with a somewhat confused expression.
He walked towards you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay, lass? Noticed a bit of commotion coming from hear and thought I heard your voice. Seems I was correct."
You hushed him. "Not now, Bryn. Imedhnain, what's going on?"
The Breton pulled out an artifact wrapped in cloth, quickly handing it to you. "It's true. Whatever suspicions you had, they're all correct." He kept his voice low. "An Argonian passed by, and gave it to me, in exchange for ten septims." You raised your eyebrow. That was a cheap amount. "He explained it was worth much more than that, and I would definitely profit from it. But now that I think about it, I really want to get it off my hands. Just take it. I don't care about it anymore."
You examined the clothed item for a few seconds before asking, "If it's really that simple, then why did Lisbet refuse to tell me anything about it?"
And of course, Brynjolf had to cut in. "Remember what I told you, lass. The Argonian took the Khajiit's 'prized possession'. He knew that he would hire someone like us to retrieve it, so he most likely told the Arnleif and Sons Trading Company to omit anything about it."
"Makes sense." You shrugged. "Thank you, Imedhnain. Come, Brynjolf. To Silver-Blood Inn." You spoke, exiting the shop.
"Since when did you have the authority to give me orders?" He joked.
You shook your head playfully as you made your way towards the inn.
"Okay, let's see what this is all about." You said, placing the wrapped item onto the bed. You and Brynjolf had rented a room for privacy in order to deal with the Thieves Guild business. Nothing more.
You carefully and slowly unwrapped it, Bryn amusedly watching your expression turn from calm to confused once the item was finally revealed.
"...... An Amulet of Mara....?" You questioned, staring at it as it dangled from your fingers. You mused. "Hmm, perhaps this belonged to the Khajiit or his lover? And he wanted it back for that reason.. Or, he's interested in- Oh Talos."
You were cut off from Brynjolf's lips meeting yours, while his hand grasped your hair. You didn't see that coming.
"How would you feel about marrying me, lass?"
HOPE YHUZ ENJOYED. Next up is Farkas. WOOP. *cough* I hope that was cute enough for yaz. Willeditlater. *COUGH*

Skyrim: An Arrow to the Heart
Fanfiction(Reader x Various) A collection of one-shots of your favorite Skyrim characters. 1. Brynjolf 2. Farkas 3. Vilkas [in progress...]