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Yn ...
"What are you doing at my boyfriends job hoe?" I asked her glad nobody else was in elevator. She was quiet. "Speak." I told her getting impatient. "Look I need the money and he has it." "But he's not going to give it to you." I said stepping off the elevator and softly grabbing Kay's hand. I walked into Aug's office and let go of Kay's hand. She went somewhere that she always go when we come here. "Hey baby." I said while sitting on his lap. I watched him type furiously. "Hey ma. You brought ma' lunch?" I nodded handing him the lunch box. "Thank ya." He said while smiling. Then we heard a knock at the door. I knew who it was but he had no clue. "Lemme get it." I said while falsely smiling mad getting up. I opened the door slightly and pushed her back with my right hand making her hit the door across from Aug's. "Babeh who was dat'?" He asked me. I shook my head and said nobody. Then she knocked again and I grew aggravated. "Babeh stop playin' an open da do." I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I walked back over to him and sat on his lap. "What ya want babeh?" He asked her. "Don't call her babeh." I said mocking his accent. He chuckled and looked at me. "AugAug I need the money! Ima get kicked out." "That's not our problem." I said pointing to me and August. "Chill." He said then he continued. "If I give ya' da money, you'll lemme lone?" "Maybe." She said with a smirk plastered on her face. "You don't have to give me the money .. Just let me stay with you. "Hell no! What is wrong with you?!" I asked her standing up. "You will not be staying anywhere near me or my boyfriend." I said while crossing my arms and glaring at August. He grabbed my ass and pulled me back down on his lap. "Calm down." He whispered into my ear. I huffed and pouted giving her an evil glare. "Nobody was talking to you." She said while rolling her eyes. "Like I said earlier you come for my boyfriend you come for me." I said rolling my eyes back at her. "Yn go in their with Kay." "But ba-." He cut me off before I could finish. I pouted and stood up, he slapped my as and said, "Go." I walked into the little room Kay was at, making sure to leave a crack in the door. I sat beside the door listening to their conversation. Kay came and crawled on my lap, falling asleep. I smiled at her cute self. "What da hell ya want guh?" He asked mean mugging her. That's my baby, that's my baby yass. "You baby." She said walking to him sitting on his lap. He knocked her onto the floor and said, "I got a faithful guh ion need ya no mo." "But you could have me. But anyways give me some money." "Give you some money?" He chuckled. "I don't think that's how you ask if you in need of something hoe." He said mean mugging her. "Man get tf out my office." "Okay but I'll be back Aug. I'll be back." She said while walking out. I got up holding Kay, and walked out the room. "We're bout to go baby." I said pointing at Kay. He took her out my arms and walked us to the car. He put her in and put the seatbelt over her. "Oh the girls going back home tomorrow .. Well not Kay." I nodded and kissed him. "I love you and be safe." I said getting in my truck. "I love you too ma but you need to be safe."

At home ..
We just made it home because we spent the rest of the day at my moms house. Looks like August was already home, so we went inside and went upstairs. He was knocked out on the bed. I laid Kay beside August cause she was sleep, she snuggled up to him. I smiled and took a picture putting in on Instagram.

My babies .. I love them 😍😇

I went downstairs to cook dinner because Aug's friends would be bringing the girls home soon and they leave tomorrow morning. Kay wanted to stay so she not going back with them. I called my friend over because she know how to cook soul food. I don't .. And it's sad 😭

After she finished I thanked her and she left. I heard the doorbell ring and it was Amira before I could slam the door August came downstairs and told her to come in. I rolled my eyes and saw another car pulling up. I knew it was the girls. I smiled and waited for the car to drive through the long driveway. They finally came and they ran to me. "Auntie Yn!" They both yelled. "Babies!" I said hugging them. I let them in and they washed the hands and went straight to the dining room. The only person who was missing was my KayBear. So I went upstairs and woke her up. "Baby wake up." She woke and opened her arms. I smiled and picked her up, walking downstairs. I put her down once we got to the table.

Next Morning ..

What y'all think going to happen? This was just a filler. The real chapter coming soon 😊😊😊

But comments some ideas for the next chapter babes 😇

- LoveK 👑💜

My Daddy's Bossजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें