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He's kissing me? He's actually kissing me! But I pull back, a bit too fast. I can't deny I didn't enjoy it but all of this is too much, too early. He looks extremely confused and so do I as I get up and start pacing. His eyes follow me as I walk back and forth, thinking. Questions soar through my mind but the main one is why. I see him get up from the corner of my eye,

'Im sorry,' he apologises, 'I've just always wanted you so much!'

'Always wanted?'

'Yeah, ever since I saw you on the first day, you've completely hypnotised my mind. There's nothing I can do without thinking about you-' I look down, ashamed '- and I can't get enough of it. I just want you.'

'I want you too,' I say honestly,' but this isn't right. You've been through a horrible break up less than a year ago, you're a mess! You chase every girl that so much as looks at you. Why are you so desperate?'

He looks up slightly then he admits,

'I don't know. I suppose I just crave wanting someone I call mine and they can call theirs. I always thought Danielle was the one, if you know what I mean.'

I nod and I walk over to his bed and sit down. I pat the space beside me and he comes and sits down. He continues,

'Danielle felt perfect. But then it all went downhill and I didn't know how to control it.'

'Im sorry I'm not too helpful, because I've never really had a proper boyfriend before you,' I say but then look directly in his eyes I'm shock. I've realised I've just called him my boyfriend! How could I be so stupid?

'Before me?'

'Uhhhh I'd better go, it's getting late.'

'Hang on,' he says confused,' what do you mean 'before me'?'

'I don't know. I misspoke.'

'Urm...okay but just gi-,' he starts but I run out the door. I nearly trip over a Treble. I wonder what he's doing there, but there's no time to ask questions. I unlock the door and run out into the street to go back to my room. Gosh, I'm such a screw up.

Greg's POV

I chase after her but I'm too late as I hear the front door slam. Shit! I run my hand through my hair and I'm about to go back to my room when I hear sniggering in corner. I look around and see all the trebles sitting in the jacuzzi. Great. I look up at the ceiling and sigh deeply. Fucking hell! I walk away and when I get to my room, I completely collapse on my bed and rethink the whole conversation. Ugh, why is everything so damn complicated?

Fat Amy POV

A noise from the door interrupts me. I look up from my essay and see that (y/n) has returned. She looks upset, confused and happy at the same time. Without any warning, she leans against the door, slides down, and starts crying. I run over to her and rub her shoulder,

'Hey, what's wrong?'

'Im stupid!'

'Tell me everything,' I demand. I steer her to her bed because she's covering her face with her hands. She sits down and starts explaining. I listen intently.
'....and I just ran out, I don't know why I called him my boyfriend. We're not together or anything. I mean, yeah he kissed me, but I it still doesn't mean he wants to be my boyfriend, does it?'

'Actually, yeah it does...'

She looks up and I see some hope in her eyes.


'Yeah, he said he wants you and kiss you! Of course it does,' I say,' why?'

'Ive made a horrible mistake, I need to find Greg right now!'

'Go find him then, and quickly before it's too late!'

'Okay,' she agrees,' thanks.' She comes back gives me a hug, gets her phone and hugs me again. I laugh as I watch her run out the door and hear her shout 'sorry' to several people. And with that, I go back to my essay.

Donald's POV

As we're sitting here, still laughing at Greg's runaway girl, we hear something shatter upstairs. That must be Greg throwing a mirror at a wall or something. We all know it's best to leave him to let out his anger so we just wait until it stops. We hear a thud and that always means he's let everything out. I start to get out of the jacuzzi and dry off. I'm usually the one that goes to check on him after his temper tantrums so everyone just lets me. As I take a few steps up the staircase, I hear quick knocking on the front door. I wonder who that is. I open the door and see (y/n) at the door. She's out of breath and her face has turned red.

'I n-need t-t-to s-see-,' she begins but I cut her off,

'Go ahead.' I step out of the doorway, letting her in. She runs upstairs and I see her stumble on a few because she's so desperate to see him.


I dash up the stairs and go straight to his room. I open the door without knocking and the sight before me makes me choke. I see Greg sitting on the floor with shards of glass all around him. I carefully walk over to him and brush some off him. I hold his hand and he looks up. I can see traces of tear streaks down his face. Has he been crying because of me? I call Donald and he comes immediately. He gasps and comes over to help Greg up. I notice that he has cuts all over his flawless skin. A few are bleeding heavily so I wet a towel and start cleaning them. He looks at me the whole time. I ignore his gaze as I really need to stop these wounds bleeding. Donald goes downstairs to get a first aid kit so I treasure this time I have with him alone because I have a feeling this will the last time I will be around him.

I lead him into the bathroom and he sits of the edge of the bathtub. When everything stops bleeding, I look into his eyes, he caresses my face and a tear drop slides down his cheek. I wipe it away because I know for sure now he's crying because of me. I step away from him but he grabs my hand. I drop the towel and look at his hand holding mine. I feel my skin burning and I love it. I don't want it to leave. And it doesn't. I sit next to him and I make a move because it's going to happen sometime. I lean in and he meets me halfway. The kiss is a sweet, long one. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my hips. My whole body burns from his touch. I feel him smile under our kiss which makes me smile. We pull apart and just sit there with out foreheads touching. We stare into each other's eyes. Even though no one said anything, we both know how much the other enjoyed it!

I hear a small cough by the door and we both look around. Donald is standing there. Of course he is!

Authors note:
Hey guys...I hope you liked this one. Ok so...I will update tomorrow as usual so yeah see ya then xx

The Boy with that Smile (Greg Gorenc/Pitch Perfect fanfic) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant