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Shon's Pov

I need to talk to her. If I need to say sorry, I'll do it. Just to stop her from ignoring me. In that whole week, I think there's something missing. It's a big different from my daily routine, every day I used to talk to her and have some time to each other. My day won't be complete without teasing her and make her annoyed. I really miss her.

I waited here patiently at the janitor's room. I used to hide for me not to be notice by anyone and of course, Tiffany. When I saw her getting near, I prepare myself. I grabbed her inside the janitor's room and...

"Can we talk for a while?" I asked her with sincerity.

"Shon, not now!" She's trying to unlocked my arms gripped on hers.

"No! We need to talk. Tell me, did I do something wrong? Did I say something that makes you hate or get mad at me?" If I did something, tell me! I just can't help it.

"Shon please. I need to have some time to think. I'm confused right now." To think? Confused? What made her confused. I really don't know! I can't understand.

"What made you confused?" I can't stop myself.

"Shon. Let go of me. It hurts." I'm still holding her hand. And I think she's starting to cry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.

"Sorry. I just can't help not to talk to you. I really miss you Tiffany. Stop ignoring me. Please." What did I do?? I'm hurting her. Sorry! I'm such a stupid!

"Just give me some time to think. Sorry I really need to do this." And as I let go of her hands, her tears fell on her cheeks. I'm sorry Tiffany. I didn't mean it.

I'm just here, waiting, waiting for you to come back, as always. May be I need to think also. To think of what's the reason for you to ignore me.


Days and weeks passes by and nothing changed about how Tiffany treat me. I think I'm starting to lose hope, that one day we used to go back at the old times where we used to be best friends.

I used to asked for help to Andrea but she said that she can't contact Tiffany this past few days. What am I going to do??? Is this the end of our friendship???? I don't think so.


Tiffany's Pov

After the day that Andrea didn't answer my call, I didn't bother her anymore. I also didn't answer her calls and messages. Even Shon tries to call me but I didn't answer it.

I think weeks are enough, my decision is final. But how am I going to tell him? I'm afraid and ashamed of what's his reaction about my thoughts.

While walking at the corridor, I bumped to a tall guy. "I'm sorry" when I lifted my head to see him, I got shocked. So he is also studying here? What a coincident. Wow!

"Tiffany???" Wow! He remembered!

"Hi Steve, long time no see!" Oh! He is Steve, my long-time friend aside from Andrea. He's been my buddy. I used to tell him my problems before when we were at Manila.

"Hi, so what's about that face?" He really knows me. He knows if I have a problem.

"Nothing Steve" and I bowed my head for him not to notice that I'm lying.

"Oh come on Tiffany, come tell me your problem maybe I can help?" And he pulled me to sit on the grasses near a big tree. Okay, he won!

"Okay, I think I'm in loved with someone!" He laugh a bit. Why? Did I say something funny?

"Then, let him know it!" Haisst!

"That's my problem, I don't know how because he used to be one of my best friends!" He nodded like he understand what I feel.

"That's a problem tho! But you have to tell him. If he really treats you as a best friend, he'll understand what you feel and that's not gonna be the reason for you two to end up your friendship! I think it's not a big deal tho." He's really a true friend. He's really a good advicer to me. That's why I loved him!!

"Thanks Steve. You're really my friend! That's why I love you! Now I know what am I going to do!" And because I'm happy to have him as a friend I hugged him tight!!! "Thanks! I love you!" We stand up as the bell rang. We immediately ran towards our room.

Now, I need to talk to him.


I decided to go to his house to talk to him personally. When I got there, his nanny opened the mini gate as she threw their garbage on the trash can. And she saw me.
"Good afternoon, Ms Tiffany." And she flashed a smile.

"Good afternoon. I'm looking for Shon !" And gave her a smile.

"He's on his room, Ms." I just nodded as I went on his room.

Every stepped I'm making, I'm being nervous. I don't know what to do. How am I going to tell him?



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