I is for Inquisitive

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I is for Inquisitive
---(Gilbert's P.O.V)-----

I was curious as to what Mattie was doing...

He was sitting there talking to his polar bear. How strange that was. I didn't know animals could talk, I didn't even know that his polar bear did talk... What an idiot I was...

How couldn't I notice such a delicate detail?

How much had that polar bear seen? How much had he seen me do and how much of it had he told Mattie?

I suddenly found myself panicking. I wasn't sure how much I was in trouble, maybe I was going to be kicked out because of that bear. No, I didn't want to leave Mattie. That was one thing I couldn't bear... Oh god that bear is so much on my brain I'm even making bear puns.

"Gil?" Mattie's voice called. I gasped then stared at him, my breath hitched.

"Y-Yes Mattie?" I questioned, my voice shaky and cracking.

"Kumacheckers wants fish. I'm off to buy some okay?" He explained to me, I nodded then watched as he grabbed his wallet and walked out the door. Leaving the bear and I alone.

"How much do you know?" I inquired. The bear just stared up at me a smile on his face. Oh I wish I had been more specific, because once that bear started, I saw Mattie in a different light.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so inquisitive.

PruCan A-Z (Hetalia fanfic, PrussiaXCanada, PruCan)Where stories live. Discover now