Chapter 5: Settling in to my new life

Começar do início

            “Elle is my sister, the one you called Izzy. Ms. Baker is my aunt.”

            “Why do you call her Ms. Baker?”

            Because she doesn’t care about me. She wants to hide me from the world. But she won't tell me why. But I couldn’t say that. No just said “Because until a few months ago I didn’t know I had an aunt.” He seemed to buy it. It was the truth just not the whole truth.

            “Okay. Why do you live with your aunt?”

            Because I’m an orphan. Again not an answer I was going to tell him. “My sister and I were sent to live with her while our parents are… busy.” Jeez. That sounded like something out of a book.

            “Oh. What are they doing?” Really? Now I have to come up with something!

            “They are on a trip.” I couldn’t get wrapped up in details. “Why don’t we talk about something else?”

            “Alright. How old are you?” That was an easy question. No lying involved.

            “I’m 13.” I saw his face cloud over in confusion.

            “But Izzy is a freshman in high school. How is that possible?”

            “We both skipped the first grade.”

            “Oh. Where do you go to school?”

            “I go to an online school based out of New York City.” That was 9 questions. He didn’t know it yet but he was only getting to 20.

            “How long have you played the guitar?”

            “My brother taught me when I was 7.” 10 down and only 10 more to go.

            “What’s his name?” I wanted to correct him. He should be talking in past tense. But I hadn’t told him about the accident so he doesn’t know.


            “Where is he?” That one was harder for me to answer. Do I lie completely? Do I do a half truth? Do I tell the true truth? I couldn’t do the last one.

            “He should be starting his 3rd year at Georgia College.” It didn’t look like he caught on to the should part. That was 12 questions. Only 8 more.

            “What’s your horse’s name?” Another easy one.


            “If you play the guitar, why didn’t you go to your aunt’s school with your sister?”

            “Because I like going to school online.” I wasn’t elaborating. If he wanted more answers, he had to use more of his remaining questions.

            “What do you like about it?”

            “The freedom. I can do whatever.” Not that I do. I just do my school work. I like my 4.0 GPA. I just had to handle 4 more questions. As much as I like talking to someone, I didn’t like talking to a prying person.

            “Yeah I guess that makes sense. Why can’t I tell anyone that I’ve met you?”

            “Because I don’t want you to.” That should make him use his 3rd to last question.

Many Mistakes, No RegretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora