Chapter 38: Same Words Different Story

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Chapter 38

As soon as I pulled away from my mum I bolted upstairs and grabbed my phone feeling the biggest smile coming on as I reached out an typed the message, Ethan you'll never believe what my mum just told me...'

Even I couldn't forcefully believe it was true. The words still rung in my mind like and endless echo repeating itself multiple times.

My fingers punched in the letters as fast as they possibly could and then watched as the message slowly and gradually sent.

I couldn't wait to see his reaction when I finally told him. I could literally feel the happiness flowing through my veins and radiating throughout my body as I stared out the window into the cloudless sky. It was almost a sign that life was going to get better - that maybe everything was going to be okay.

I put my phone down next to bed awaiting a reply from Ethan. The thought of actually staying was still almost impossible to believe even after sending that text, probably because the rush of emotions that I had been through.

I waited patiently. 1 minute passed, then gradually came 5 minutes, which slowly turned to 10. I tried to occupy myself by dancing and singing round my room but every so often my eyes would glance to my digital clock located on the corner of my desk. There was only so much patience that I could actually maintain.

20, 30, 40... 1 hour. 

I looked out my bedroom window in Ethan's house which seemed to have no signs of life. Hmmm, well that was slightly strange? Anyway, why was I wasting my time waiting for Ethan to reply? It was probably best off to call him since he wasn't really that fond of texting.

I dialled his number in hope that he'd pick up.

A few rings passed, but I still hasn't lost hope. Then it finally reached his voicemail, "Hey it's Ethan. I'm probably busy at the moment so leave a message and I'll try and get back to you soon. BEEEEEP" 

I didn't even bother to leave a message since it was obvious that he didn't have his phone on him at the moment. Then it hit me - he was sick at the moment so he probably was asleep or having a lie down. My last resort was to visit him, and yeah not only to tell him my overwhelming news but also to check up on him and see if he was okay since I hadn't actually seen or talked to him since yesterday when we both had fallen asleep on my balcony.

I walked out onto my balcony not daring to look down as I lifted myself up on to the rails that peered over our garden and on-looked over into Ethan's house.

"I've done this before." I muttered to myself reassuringly as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Using the power in my muscles, I launched myself onto Ethan's balcony. THUD.

I could feel my both of my palms as well as my forehead sweating like crazy. The amount of stress it put me under when jumping onto Ethan's balcony was insane.

He did it with such ease and like it was no big deal, whereas I had to mentally pray that I didn't fall several feet flat, hard on the ground and turn into a live, human pancake.


I gained my confidence as I knocked on the dark door that led straight to his bedroom. The house still looked quite lifeless, but I has seen that there was a few lights on meaning someone must of been home.

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