Feathery Love Kevin Tran X Angel!Reader LIME

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Requested by MarciaMP Thank you!

THIS IS A LIME, NOT A LEMON. IF YOU DON'T LIKE LIMES OR LEMONS, I SUGGEST YOU DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. But it is kinda fluffy smut, so I will try to make it cute because I  just don't know man, its hard for me to envision the little cinnamon roll doing the do XD but I shall try. It at the very end too, so you could read the rest without a problem.


You were an Archangel tied to the Prophet of the Lord named Kevin Tran. At first, you kept your distance from the Advanced Placement student, but always keeping him in line of sight in case of an emergency. But then you got curious. You had begun to show yourself to the boy and got closer and closer until you both had pretty evident crushes on each  other. But neither of you having the guts to admit it.

Even in a vessel, Kevin was head over heels for you. You have heard Dean say stuff about "She's just an angel in a vessel, soon she will find a new meet suit and you won't want to get with her." But you new that Dean was the same with Castiel, so you let it go, considering he was dealing with this sexual tension all the time.

But Kevin brushed it off, saying no matter what you looked like, he would always want you.

"Sam, Dean. Have you seen (Y/N) any where?" Kevin asked the boys, wandering through out the bunker as he talked.

"Why? Did your escort from the God Squad loose ya or something?" Dean said, looking up from the files he held.

"Well, I don't know. She just dissapeared yesterday and she looked very uncomfortable when she did." Kevin replied, sitting down next to dean.

"Well I mean, I can always like pretend to shoot you or something and she might come swooping down and save your scrawny little ass." Dean suggested.

"No Dean." Sam sternly shot down that idea. "Just wait it out Kevin, she will come around sooner or later."

"Fine, fine, listen to goody two shoes over here." Dean waved Kevin off and continued to prowl over the papers.

Kevin slumped in the chair, bored because you weren't here to cheer him up. So he drifted off to the banter of the Winchesters and the sound of thunder and lighting that danced across the sky. Sam and dean had left early to bed, letting Kevin get the little shut eye time he gets, at the table

But he quickly woke up to the sound of grumbling and sighing. He saw you scratching your back up against a wall, you looked like a bear that was molesting a wall.

"(Y/N), where the hell did you just run off to and just randomly show up?" Kevin asked, walking over to you.

"Angel meeting. Long story. Really itchy." You replied in between rubs.

"And why exactly are you itchy?" He asked, eye brows raised.

You sighed and stepped away from the wall, but you were constantly rolling your shoulders and moving around.

"I'm molting, my wings. And it gets really itchy until I can pull all the loose feathers out and set some other ones straight." You explained. "Its really tricky to do yourself."

"Is that why we have a hoard of black angel feathers in the trunk..." Kevin murmured.

"Yeah, Castiel sheds to ya know. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you just get all these feathers alined and stuff from me?" You asked, embarrassed to ask your crush.

"Y-yeah, no problem. Ah, just sit right there, but have the back of the chair facing you so I can get them all." Kevin instructed.

"Okay~" You turned around the chair and sat. You folded your hands in your lap and unveiled your wings.

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