Chapter 26

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No, this cannot be happening.  I am not going to be given a necklace in a dream then wake up with it on my neck.  That's crazy.  "Maya?"  Niall's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.  "Yea?" I ask.  "Care to explain?" he asks me gesturing to the necklace.  "I'll tell you guys when we get home, so I get everyone at once," I say then laugh when I realize how perverted it sounded.  "Owww!!! Bloody migrane!" I say.  As if on cue, Harry and Dad walk out with a plastic bag.  They get into the car.  "Pain.  Medicine.  Now," I say through clenched teeth.  "Oh, here.  Take one of these," Dad says rummaging around in the bag and pulling out a bottle of pills.  I unscrew the bottle and look around for water.  Dad rummages in the bag again and pulls out a bottle of water.  "Here."  I put the pill in my mouth, take a sip of water, and swallow.  Dad pulls out of the parking lot and we go home.  


I walk inside feeling much better.  "So, when are we going to Italy?" I ask Liam once everyone was inside.  "We leave on Saturday," he tells me.  Wait, today was Thursday.  "THIS SATURDAY!" I shriek.  Everyone turns to look at me.  "Huh?" Harry asks confused.  "We are going to Italy in 2 days and no one bothered to tell me!!"  Dad ohh's.  "I thought I was forgetting something," he says.  I throw my hands up in the air in frustration.  "You guys are impossible," I say turning around.  "Where are you going, love?" Zayn asks.  "To pack!" I yell.  I run up to my room.  Then I realize I don't have a suitcase.  "GUYS!!! I HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!!" I scream.  "What's wrong?" Liam asks when he and the rest of the guys burst into my room.  "I don't have a suitcase," I tell them.  "SHOPPING!" Dad yells.  "HELL YEAH!!" I yell back.  Liam sighs.  "All right, but we're not buying everything," he says.  "OK," I chirp then jump onto the closest person.  It's Zayn.  "ONWARD MY NOBLE STEED!!" I shout.  Zayn walks down the stairs.  "RIGHT!" I yell.  He turns right, towards the door.  He walks out and I shout "RIGHT AGAIN!" for him to get to the car.  "DOWN!" I yell when we're at the car.  He laughs and set me down.  I climb in the back.  I sit in the middle and Harry and Dad sit next to me.  Niall sits in the middle seat.  Zayn sits shotgun and Liam drives.  Harry starts poking me so I shove him.  When I do, his phone slips out of his pocket and I get an idea.  I grab it and shove it in my pocket before he notices.  "Uncle Haz is annoying me!" I whine.  "I'm sitting by Uncle Ni and Uncle Zaynie!"  I then proceed to clamour over the seat and sit in the middle of Zayn and Niall.  I take out Harry's phone and pull up Twitter.  Niall sees and I motion for him not to say anything.  I tweet "Maya here!!  Stole Uncle Haz's phone!! Wonder how long it will take him to find out? #istoleHarrysphone"  Niall's, Liam's, Zayn's, and Dad's phones go off with a Twitter notification.  All of them (except Liam, he's driving) pull out their phones, look at me, and start laughing.  Harry looks at all of us confused.  "What is it?" he asks trying to look at Dad's phone.  I tweet again.  "He's on to me!!! #HELP"  They all laugh again.  "What is it?!?" Harry says now beyond annoyed.  "Oh, Uncle Haz.  You haven't figured it out yet?#reallyhaz" I tweet.  This time when all the boys laugh Harry grabs Dad's phone and looks at it.  He turns to me.  "Maya!" he whines.  "What?" I ask innocently.  "Phone.  Now," he says holding out his hand.  "Fine," I mutter and hand him his phone.  "Whoa," Niall breathes.  "What?" I ask.  He holds out his phone and shows me trends worldwide.  #istoleharrysphone, #HELP, and #reallyhaz are all in the top 10.  "What the?" I question.  "Look at this too," Zayn says holding out his phone.  I look at the tweets. 

(I made up all these Twitters. If anyone has these, sorry!)

@1Ds_Wife: hahaha!!  Nice one, Maya!!! #istoleharrysphone

@IwantHarrysgravy: That was hilarious!!! #reallyhaz

 @niallsprincess: You are priceless!!  Can't believe Harry didn't figure it out!! #HELP

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