Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 2.

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"Yes, everything!"

"You're going to hate me though..." I mumbled.

"Nikki, just tell me the truth. Then I can decide if I hate you."

"Okay then. Right..."


"Nikki George, you ARE NOT going to that party tonight!" my dad shouted at me for about the fourth time that night.

I had been arguing with him for nearly three hours now about going to this party. Pretty much every single person in my year was going; I wasn't going to be the only person not going because my dad was treating me like a four year old again.

He could tell me that I wasn't going all he wanted, but I wasn't going to listen to him.

I was going to get out of this house, I was going to that party and I was going to have a great night with my friends.

"You can't actually stop me from going..." I snapped.

"Actually, while you're living under my roof, you'll do as your told. And I've said you're not going, now that's an end of this conversation."

"But you used to let Max do what he wanted when he was my age, so what's the difference?"

"Max was more mature than you and knew what he  was doing. You spend your life acting like a bloody child..."

"Argh. I actually hate you so much right now. You're such a twat!" I shouted in response before storming off upstairs towards my room; slamming the door behind me so that both my parents knew just how annoyed I was with them.

Sometimes, I wished I had different parents to them. Ones who knew what feedom was and let me have it; rather than stopping me from being a normal teenager and having fun with my friends.

I hated them so much at times.

I know you shouldn't say that about your family, but I really did hate them and I'd had enough of them treating me like an idiot. Thinking I'm going to do something stupid all the time.

But I had my way out of this house and I was going to take it. I wasn't going to spend the night being miserable in my bedroom.


"Dad really treated you like that?" Max asked.

"All the time. He was always stopping me from doing things, the reason that I spent so much time sneaking out of the house and being a total bitch to him..." I replied, not even feeling guilty about anything I was saying or remembering.

"And what happened the night that you went to the party?"

"Basically I ended up extremely drunk, slept with some guy from my year and then a week later found out I was the biggest disappoinment going. Mum and dad found out that I sneaked out the previous night after Jade phoned them and asked for one of them to pick me up, since I couldn't really walk home!" I sighed.

"Do you know who the father is?"

"Are you going to kill him if I tell you that I do?" I asked, knowing exactly like what my brother was like when it came to protecting me and doing what he thought was best for me and my life.

He often went about things the wrong way and didn't really ask me if it's what I wanted him to do.

I never complained, but I did wish he sorted things out in a much better way some of the time. He could be a right twat when he wanted to be.

"I think, it's a bit too late for that. I just want to know if you know who the father actually is?"

"Yes, I know who it is and, before you ask me, he doesn't know that the baby is his. It's for the best that he doesn't..."

"And how is it for the best? Everyone has the right to know that they have a baby!" Max snapped angrily at me. I already knew this was how he was going to react because that's just what he's like and there is no changing that.

"It would never work!"

"Why not Nikki?"

"Because he is my bestfriend and, if I didn't have him, then I don't know what I would be doing right now. He has helped me when no one else would, he has put a smile on my face when I least wanted that to happen and he has always been there for me. Telling him he is the father of this baby would just make things worse, especially when I don't plan on keeping it anyway!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Max, that as soon as this baby is born, I'm putting it up for adoption and giving it to someone who will be able to take care of it. There's no point in telling him the truth, only to take it all away from him again..." I sighed, leaning my head against the door; just letting everything come out at the same time.

I'd had enough of everything now and just wanted the easy life back.

I wanted things to be back to the way that they were before it all went wrong.

I missed that life and I would do anything to have it back.

I really did hate myself for throwing it all away and, if I could go back in time, then believe me, I would do and I would not make the same mistakes I made this time around.

"You don't need to do that. I'll be here for you and I'll help you whenever you need it; you'll only regret it in the future if you go through with it..."

"I won't regret it. This baby is going to have a better life without me. It needs someone who will be able to love it, give it everything it needs and protect from any danger that may come its way. I'm never going to be able to do any of that!"

"At least tell Jake that he is the father then. You owe him that much!" Max replied and, with that, I heard him leave from outside my bedroom door.

The stairs creaking with each step he took, and the banging as each foot landed on the next step.

Now I was all alone and I didn't really want to be, but I was the one that had got myself into this position by not telling people the truth in the first place and for acting like an immature teenager.

But no one was going to change my mind.

I was never going to tell Jake that he was the father, it would just ruin our friendship and he would hate me for not telling him in the first place, and this baby is going to be adopted because I am never going to be able to cope and it will do much better without me in its life.

That much I know for certain and it doesn't matter what anyone says to me. I will never think anything different and I will never consider any other option.

The decision has been made and that's an end of it.

Let Me Save Your Heart.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang