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Blake arrived at the hospital and he walked in. He inquired about Catherine's room from the flirty receptionist who kept fluttering her eyes at him.

After getting the information, he walked away from the woman, probably in her thirties, feeling a shudder rush down his spine.

He walked through the corridors of the second floor, searching for room number 232. Finally when he found it, he stood in front of it for a few seconds, trying to calm down his nervous self.

He shook his head,knocked the door lightly and opened it.

He finds Cat sitting on her bed, with an IV connected to her hand. She was playing with her phone.

"Hey Cat."Blake said.

Cat jumped in surprise, making her phone fall onto her lap. She clutched her hand in her chest, while her eyes widened as she realized who had come in. 

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He said, sheepishly.

Cat couldn't find it in herself to answer, instead she just stared at him with her jaw dropped.

 Blake watched her in amusement. He walked in further into the room and sat on the chair beside her bed.

"You must be wondering what I'm doing here" Blake smiled, "I met your mom. She told me you were in the hospital. I came here to see you. And um thanks for the report. I got it."

 The expression in his eyes changed when he mentioned the report. As if he was ashamed.

Still no response from Catherine. She still stared at him, her mouth opening and closing, like a goldfish, trying to say something to him. It was as if she couldn't believe what was happening.

 '"I, -uh, know why you're here." Blake said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, as usual.

Cat's eyes widened. "D- Did my m- mo- ther tell you?"

"No." He shook his head. "I have my ways."

"Oh." was all Cat could say.

And then came the beginning of the dreaded awkward silence. Both not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry." Blake blurted out.


"I'm sorry for everything. For everything I did to you." Blake tried to carefully pick out the right words, making sure that he didn't blurt out anything she wasn't supposed to hear.

"I- It's okay." She replied, silently, while looking down.

Blake smile at her gratefully.

"So, um what's up?"Blake asked.

"Nothing." She, silently, replied.

And let the awkwardness begin.

Two updates in one day! Yay! :)

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