T h e P i r o u e t t i n g M a r i o n e t t e

75 10 9

133 r d  D a n c i n g ,  M o o n l i g h t ,  R o p e s  a n d  T e a r s

"I am the strings that bind. I am the unhappy marionette who no longer minds. I am the lost midnight dancer who's innocence you took away that night.

- The Marionette That Stopped Dancing

He was a puppet with no strings attached. 

He was uncontrolled with no control over every single fiber in his being.

He flew on life, skimmed on oceans, danced on stages like he thought he was meant to, but he discovered an ineffable love for her. 

Too large to be expressed.

Oh, she was a marionette player who had complete and utter control over him.

Their love had no strings attached.

 She floated across the stage, her feet gliding in the air, barely touching the ground, and his heart soared at how incredibly fragile she looked and yet radiated such strength.  

She was the marionette.

And yet, it was her that controlled him.

He watched her twirl and flounce in his mind, and he thought of a million different strings he wished he had, just so that he could feel the pain of being controlled.

Maybe it was a crazy love, or maybe a shaky one, or maybe a lost one. Or maybe it was just a pirouetting one.

But on dancing nights like these, she left a m i l l i o n  d i f f e r e n t  s t r i n g s  behind. 



Does anyone else feel like he has Stockholm Syndrome? XD . Or maybe I should get myself checked. IDK.

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