Short White Boys and Windows don't Mix

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And I found myself standing there in my bedroom with a sweating Kellin Quinn, something I never imagined happening. "So," he murmured

"So..why are you in my room?" I ask, not really in a rude way, more in a confused way, but who wouldn't be when someone just randomly showed up and was standing in your room. He shrugged and I saw that sly smirk. Typical.

I sighed and sat on my bed, not up for the mind games that tended to take place when talking to Kellin fucking Quinn. "Look, I really am not up for guessing what's going through your head so just tell me, Kellin." I cross my arms.

"Well I wasn't going to go home or to Jesse's, seeing as he kind of hates me, so I just...didn't know where to go. So I came here." He sighed also and sat next to me, but didn't look at me. I raise an eyebrow, surprised he was actually talking to me, and he sounded honest at that.

"Who's Jesse?" I ask. He moves so he's sitting in front of me and facing me. "A friend of mine. I was staying with him for a while but I'm not anymore." He shrugged. There was something off though, he seemed actually upset.

I tilt my head and try to understand what could be making him upset. Never in the history of ever have I known Kellin to let something, especially what others thought, bother him. "What'd he do? You seem upset and you don't usually let things bother you."

"I know that. Which is why I feel weird. But I guess it's because I've never told anyone else and I told him and the reaction I got was terrible; it makes me not want to tell other people. But then again I kind of need to, because I want it off of my chest."

Kellin fiddled with his hands and I watched for a second, then looked back up at him. "If you want, you can tell me and I promise I won't be rude about it, whatever it is. You can get it off your chest." I shrugged.

He looked up finally, seeming surprised. I blushed a little, laughing. He smiled and nodded, seeming to agree with the idea. "You're sure? You wouldn't tell anyone?"

"Kellin, I don't have a life."

"True," he smirked and I rolled my eyes. That's the Kellin I know. All sass and cute eyerolls. "I guess I trust you." And I laughed a little at that because I never pictured that Kellin and I would have a fucking civil conversation ever, even though we had agreed that we were going to be friends.

I think back to when Kellin and I were at the ceremony and he told me something that I still thought about, that still made my head spin. "I'll be the smart one, you be the good looking one."

However I'm pulled away from my thoughts when he starts talking again. "Are you even listening to me?"

"No actually, I wasn't listening." I smirk a little and he rolls his eyes, sighing very dramatically because if there was one thing Kellin had fucking mastered, it was anything remotely dramatic.

"I said you really cannot tell anyone." He said, quieting down a little. I nod and fold my arms over my chest as I wait for him to tell me.

It took him a while: a while of just sitting there and looking at his hands for a moment then chewing the inside of his cheek, then just staring off into space, because all that fucking helped him. Note my sarcasm.

"Well...I'm...I'm. I, uh," and then he started blushing, and I can't say I had seen something any cuter in a while. Wow, calm the fuck down, Fuentes. I sighed and laid back, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, okay, shut up," he said as if I had even spoken.

He kept rambling for a bit until I lost my patience. "Are you going to tell me? I told you I'm not judging or telling anyone, you just need it off your chest."

Kellin rolled his eyes for the ten thousandth time today and sighed. "Yeah, yeah. So I, uh, like guys. Like, I don't feel things with girls."

I felt my eyes widen a little because this was Kellin, fucking Kellin Quinn, whom could get literally any girl he wanted and here he was, telling me that he didn't want them, and I wasn't sure if I was more shocked or happy.

"So you're gay." I say shortly. He blushed again and I couldn't help but smiling a little because, okay, it was damn adorable. "Yeah, yeah, that." He said. I roll my eyes, "Okay, well, there's nothing wrong with that."

He smiled and looked up at me, which was only like the second time he had even looked at me since he showed up. "I'm glad you think so. Apparently Jesse does though..." He sighed and just like that he was looking a way again.

"Well Jesse is a douchebag and you shouldn't worry about him," I chuckle. I think about the day when he came back, eyelid black and rimmed red, bruised badly. "Is that who hit you?"

After a couple seconds, he nods. Now this was a sight: a fucking vulnerable Kellin. That was something I never thought I would see, or even thought existed. He just always seemed so confident and care-free, so why would he care if someone didn't agree with him liking guys?

And I didn't know this Jesse but I knew then that I hated him.

"Thank you." He said and sighed, but this one was of relief.

"You're welcome." I said, and then I smiled back.


wow two updates in a day oh
also these last two are just kind of fillers for the next ones☺
how'd you like them?
what about kellin coming out to vic?
more coming soon

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