Chapter 2- He looked so familiar

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Chapter 2- He looked so familiar

I was again searching inside my bag. If I could just throw everything out, I would definitely do it but I can’t since this was an airport. I knew I placed it inside my bag before I left. It was impossible to get in if I didn’t have it with me this morning. It must have fallen out when I was trying to get my stuff. You see, I have this bad habit of leaving my bag open. Great! 

I was really scared. How could I tell Josh about this. We have been looking forward to this trip for the whole summer and now I was about to screw it up. What was happening to me? I was never irresponsible before. I knew I had it with me. I continued to search inside my bag and even inside the luggage. I hope Josh would not come any soon so that I could have more time to look for my passport.

I was about to panic when I heard a deep voice asking me a question.

“Were you looking for this?”

It was the same voice of the man inside the washroom. Shoot! How was I going to face him? This was so embarrassing. It was my fault and not his. I still didn’t look up, but I could see that he was holding my passport.

I didn’t want to look up and face him. It was really embarrassing. At first I was planning to grab my passport and run but that would make things even more complicated; so I decided to swallow the embarrassment and face him.

When I looked up, I was surprised that he looked so familiar. He has a jet black hair which matches his purple shirt and white vest. He was wearing a brown capri shorts that made him looked preppy yet adventurous. He was smiling at me.

I couldn’t believe that he was smiling at me after what I did to him. He was handsome like Josh and he was built too.

“I’m sorry about what happened a while ago, and yes that is mine.” I replied while I pointed towards my passport.

He smiled at me and handed me my passport. Wow, he was really nice. I really wondered where I saw him before he looked so familiar. It was like I knew him somewhere but I couldn’t remember.

“It’s okay. I understand. I couldn’t say it was nothing because it really hurt but it’s fine. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” He assured me.

Wow, he was really nice. I felt guiltier after what he just said. If it were someone else, I’m sure he wouldn’t bother to return my passport and he would purposely let me miss my flight.

“I’m really sorry. I don’t know how I could make it up to you.”

He chuckled.

“Well, a lunch or dinner perhaps?”

Wow, something tells me that he’s a player.

“Sorry, but my boyfriend and I are going to Paris.”

He nodded and then he brushed his hand through his hair. I could see his muscle flexing but I saw that with Josh so nothing new.

“Well, I’ll just see you then.” He said then he immediately left.

I was wondering what he meant by that. Was he going to Paris too? Would I still meet him there? Honestly, I really want to meet him again; not because I like him or anything but I felt like I owe him something and I also felt like I knew him from somewhere.

My thoughts were distracted when Josh suddenly hugged me and kissed me on my cheek. I loved it whenever he does that. He made me feel so loved. He was really sweet and he never cheated on me. He never looked at any girl after we started to fake date.

It was really unbelievable how a player a like would turn into someone really faithful. I was really blessed to have someone like Josh in my life and I couldn’t ask for more. I guess I would really thank Nathan for not liking me before, because if he did I wouldn’t have met Josh.

“Hey, I miss you.” He whispered in my ear.

I giggled.

“We just separated like ten minutes ago.”

“Yeah, but that’s too long. I really missed you already.”

“Well, you will be seeing a lot of me in Paris.”

“That is why I was looking forward to this trip.”

“Is that so?”


I turned around and kissed me on his lips. I could feel him smiling, but I immediately pulled away since I don’t want to attract any attention.

After we have checked in our bags, we went to the waiting area and continued our conversation. Like I said, Josh and I never had the time wherein we couldn’t talk about something. We always came up with something and that was really one of the fun things that I felt when I’m with him.

“Hey, how memorable do you think this trip will be?” I asked Josh.

“Hmm…Well, I’ll make sure it would be really memorable for you. I have a lot of places that I wanted to bring you. I wanted to spend every minute and every second with you.”

“Well I guess I am starting to like this trip already.”

“Oh, you will.”


I’m so sorry for the short chapter. College is really killing me. I couldn’t find the time to write anymore. I’m going to try to write a longer one in the future. Please pray for me to have the time to write or to finish my school work asap!

Are you guys excited for the Paris tour?! Well, It’s almost up. Thanks for those who contributed their ideas.


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