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Dropping your purse a commanding but somewhat calming voice muttered behind you,
"Hey dweeb you dropped this, you owe me"

Totally unaware of the presence behind you,
"I caught you staring at my sexy midriff, are you surprised?" A pitchy voice whispered in your ear.

Staring at a particular male down from across the room,
"Do you really want to go to the shadow realm that bad?" a gruff voice yelled at you.

Minding your own business,
"excuse me? Don't you agree it should be called the purples instead of the shadows?" a genuinely curious teen asked.

A soft light body hit your back. Turning around you saw an almost young boy staring at you.
"I'm sorry, I'm Yugi aren't you the new student" his adorable voice chimed.

Walking through the alleyway I looked behind me to see a long haired man.
"it's not safe for girls to be walking around at night." he told me in a thick British accent.

Waiting at the bus stop a timid British voice asked me.
"Does this bus go to Domino High?"

The whole classroom was flocked with girls from all classes, sitting down a man being followed by girls walked up to.
"hello I'm Duke Devlin" he announced. But I turned my head showing I wasn't interested.

The air was hot and humid sweat was dripping down my forehead and cheek.
"Here would you like some water." a kind voice asked from behind my sitting space.

I was walking through the empty halls of Duelist Academy, not looking where I was going I walked into somebody.
"Sorry about that are you alright?" a deep but playful voice asked.

I pushed my now broken bike across the cracked cobblestone pavement.
"Hey, want me to fix that for you?" a deep kind voice asked curiously.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now