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Steven walks to the beach with his newest treasure, Peridots foot. "What am I going to do with a foot" he thinks. He begins to mess around with the detached limb. His fingers find a small button on the side. Steven accidentally pushes the button and the foot lights up. "Ahhhh bad foot" he screams. A hologram map shoots out of the foot. There are three dots on the map. A blue one, a green one, and an orange one. After inspecting to make sure it was safe Steven grabbed the foot and ran back to the gems.
"Guys guys, I was playing with the foot and then this happened and there are these dots and I didnt know what to do and I came back here. What do you think it is"? Steven gasped to excited to breathe. "It looks like a map, and each colored dot is a person. Based on the colors and their positions I would guess they represent peridot, jasper, and lapis." Pearl said with confidence. "Wait? Do you know what this means"? "We found a GPS, so" amethyst said. "No, we found malachite. Let's go"
The gems ran to the beach and into the water. Steven in his bubble soon followed. After hours of swimming they finally found it Malachite. " Lapis, we're here to help you"! "Steven, I told you, leave me alone. I don't need your help. Just let me do this for you". The gems swam to her holding the chains down while Steven tried to convince lapis to let them help. " Steven, I can't concentrate. I... I think..... I'm coming undone". Malachite began to glow as she split. There was a bright flash and there, at the bottom of the ocean was lapis and jasper. "Get her"! Screamed garnet. Pearl, amethyst, and garnet pulled their weapons, ready to fight. Steven rolled his bubble to lapis. She lay at the bottom of the ocean. "Steven" she whispered. "I could've helped you". " But you did, you held her off, but now it's our time to help you". Suddenly jasper lunged at Steven popping his bubble, thousands of feed underwater. "Steven"! Pearl screamed. Swimming to him as fast as she could. Suddenly lapis grabbed Steven and raised the ocean until she and Steven were at the surface.
A few minutes later the gems surfaced. "Oh Steven are you OK"? "That's was so cool". " We shouldn't have brought Steven along. This was too dangerous". "Yes I'm OK lapis saved me". At this point everyone noticed lapis, sitting silently. "Lapis lazuli, thank you for holding jasper and saving Steven". Garnet said. "What happened to jasper" lapis asked. "She got away while we were coming to save steven" pearl said ashamed. "She wouldn't have got away if someone didn't get in my way" amethyst said annoyed. "Well if someone paid attention then she wouldn't have gotten to Steven in the first place" pearl snapped. "Pearl, amethyst, this isn't the time to argue, Stevens safe and we located jasper. We just have to make sure she doesn't get to peridot. We can track them by using the escape pod to track peridot and the foot to track jasper. That way we can keep them apart and from contacting home world" Garnet stated. "What happens to lapis" " well she can stay with us, if that's alright with everybody" said pearl. Everyone nodded their heads. "Yay, lapis is the newest crystal gem"! Steven exclaimed. "Indeed" "welcome to the family" "sup". "Wait? What happens if jasper and peridot contact homeworld"? Lapis asked. "Gem war, and you better be prepared to fight"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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