The bad boy fights- Chapter forty one; Alive... Or dead?

Começar do início


This time, I woke up to my brother. He was holding my
Hand just like Zach was. I tried once again to give him any sign that I was okay. It wasn't working. But just like Zach, he gave me a speech.

"I know I haven't been the bestest brother in the world. I know that you probably hated me for me not liking Zach. But I do love you, Alex. We are family. We're the only family we have left. Dad isn't here. He came by and was here for about an hour but then he left and hasn't come back since," That hurt.

"And mom... well, we both know how that went. Her and George went off together. Anyway... Im sorry about everything. About being overprotective about you. Being an ass to you because of Zach," he huffed. "Zach.... you should see him. He has no finger nails left. His hair is a mess and he hasn't slept or eaten since you were in here. I know he truly loves you. I know that now. And if- no, when- you wake up, I give my full permission."

This time, it was easier to do something. But this time, I mumbled "Ryder..." Under my breath. I didn't even hear his reaction because saying that made me weak, and i passed out... again.

This is the end....

Im coming to an end.


All of a sudden, I felt like i could do anything I wanted. I had adrenaline in me that just popped up out of no where.

That might sound good, but it wasn't. Because i still... couldn't do anything. And now, i was feeling numb.

Come on, Alex. Move something! Move dammit! Move you little piece of shit body!

Why cant i move?












I forgot everything for a split second. Everything I knew, just went blank. I didn't know anyone. Or anything. Then when everything hit me at once, I sprung up into a sitting position.

I took a large gasp of air, and then started coughing. I heard a monitor around me somewhere going haywire. I hated the sound. I knew what it meant. My heartbeat was picking up its pace.

I heard the door open and closing multiple times. "No! Get out! Everyone needs to get out!" A doctor yelled from somewhere. And it took a minute before I finally calmed down.

I lay in the hospital bed, my eyes wide and my breathing just fine. A doctor looked over me. "Alex? Are you okay? How many fingers am I-"

"Three." I answered. She looked a little taken back at first, then nodded. "Okay. Is there anyone you would like to see first?"

"Zach Colton please." Its really sad that i picked my boyfriend over my brother just like that. So easily and quickly. The doctor nodded and went outside. I took a deep breath and sighed. A couple seconds later, the door opened and in walked Zach.

He ran towards me and engulfed me in a huge hug, which i returned. He looked exactly like Ryder described him. Hair messier than usual, pale face, droopy eyes, tainted cloths, and no finger nails. But i smiled as i saw him and hugged him.

"Oh my gosh, Alex. I was so scared of loosing you. I missed you so much." He mumbled, cupping my head with his large hands and keeping me pressed against him. I chuckled a little. "I missed you too. But i was only out for a day."

Zach pulled away a little, running his hands up and down my arms. "No. You were out for two weeks, Alex. Thats why i was so scared." My jaw dropped. T-Two weeks? It didn't feel like that long. It barley even felt like one day.

"Im sorry." I mumbled. He shook his head, hugging me again after kissing my forehead. "No, no, no Alex. Don't you dare say that. If anyone, I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have brought you into this mess-" i laughed and shook my head, cutting him off.

"Ive already heard this speech, Zach. I was awake when you said it the first time." He pulled me away and a smile crept onto his face. "I knew i wasn't imagining it when you squeezed my hand." I shook my head. "Nope. you weren't. And i really hope my dad comes to his senses and gives me over to you."

He blushed and I laughed at him. I then leaned forward and pecked his lips. And damn... i missed them.. a lot.


I spoke privately to everyone. Ryder, Emma, Austin, Liam, Nate. All of them. They each had something to say and almost every time, I cried.

I had to stay in the hospital another day before they released me. Zach was refusing to go home and he waited until everyone else was asleep o go in my room. So thats how we fell asleep that night. We talked and then just wrapped ourselves in each others arms.

That was a week ago. I have pretty much healed all the way. Zach just has to be careful not to touch that spot too hard and i cant put any pressure in it. Tonight is New years eve and me, Zach, Emma, Ryder, Liam, Ashley, Nate, Justin, and Jack are all just laying all around in my living room, waiting for the ball to drop on the TV screen.

Zach's arm is lazily draped around my shoulder while my head is resting on his. Emma is sitting on Liam's lap right beside us. Jack is leaning his back against the couch with Ashley's head on his lap. Nate, Justin and Ryder are sitting in the big cushiony chairs.

Everything has returned to normal. No body is all up on us, trying to get revenge on us or trying to get in between all of our friendships. Its finally.... normal.

Not normal, to where its not weird normal, but normal to where- oh you get it. Anyways, i found out that Zach's dad was the one who set everything up. The cops found out and arrested him for life. Lexis, Mike, and Will went to jail. Cole died that night. And as for Justin? He's a good friend of all of ours now. He told me he wouldn't try anything since he see's how happy i am and Im more than thankful. And that is why we are friends.

"Four... three.. Two... one... HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Everyone screamed. Zach put two fingers under my chin and made me looked up at him. He smirked and leaned down, placing his soft lips against mine. And of course, he gave me those slow... slow opened mouthed kisses. He knows they a my favorite and he knows they make me weak. So he takes my vulnerability to his advantage.

He bites my lips and pulls away, enough so our foreheads still touch. "Happy new year, Parker."

I smiled giddily and kiss him again.

"Happy new year, bad boy."


Yes, this is the end. BUT! I am making an Epilogue. I will probably post it tomorrow or later today, so please fans, stick around just a little bit longer!

I love you all! Thank you for reading this far!

-J O R D A N-

The bad boy fightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora