Broken Promises

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I couldn't stand all the waiting; pacing up and down the corridor. They actually kicked me out of the room because I was hysterical.

"Claire please sit down." My mother asked for the thousandth time.

"I can't believe this happened-how could I have let this happen." At this point I was just venting our anger at myself.

"There isn't much to do about it now, so please just sit down I am sure the doctor will be out soon." I looked over to my mother with a now sleeping Emily in her arms; she looked so fragile her tear-stained cheeks almost made my own waterworks start all over again. Moving over the chair I sat down but as soon as I did the doctor came into the room causing me to jump back out of my seat and over to him.

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine, asleep now." I breathe a sigh of relief but I knew there was more. "Her arm is indeed broken though it's a clean break so it will heal nicely. We had to fit her for a cast, for now she has a brace, and her movements are restricted as to prevent any more damage."

"Thank you Dr. Stevens."

"You can go in now as long as you promise not to give any more of my nurses a black eye."

"Sorry about that again, normally I have a little more self-control."

"Believe me in this ward, it's not uncommon." He joked to lighten the mood but my guilt was so heavy I could barely managed the weak smile I offered.

"Mom, I'm going in to see Amy-I'll be right back." Just as Dr. Stevens said Emily was fast asleep. The entire time I watched her I couldn't remove my eyes from the brace her arm was now in. I couldn't tell is she was in pain but seeing her lying in a hospital bed was enough to break my heart and knowing that it's my fault just made it all the worse.

**3 hours earlier**

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay behind and help?" Lauren asked.

"Yes I'm sure, go-say hello to your mom for me." I chased her away.

"Alright...Hey you two make sure you behave and maybe next time I'll have a special treat for you." Lauren went over to where the girls were playing a pinched their cheeks knowing they didn't like that.

Today I had the girls taken here instead of home, as it was Friday I figured that none of us had to worry about getting up too early tomorrow. They kept themselves busy while I worked, the noise level was surprisingly low even as they ran around my office. Cole joined us for one hour but he had to leave for a business dinner; we had decided that he would handle all the dinners and schmoozing of clients so that I was able to get home at a reasonable hour and spend more time I could with the girls.

"Nate!" Their shouts pulled my attention away from the screen.

"Nate, this is a surprise." I hadn't heard him approach at all.

"Lauren told me you'd be here and I thought I should come and take you away." He picked up both girls, "What do you think, should I take your Aunt Claire away."

"Nooo..." They both started to pout.

"No, how about if I take you with me-would it be ok then?" They nodded their heads in excitement, especially after Nate mentioned ice-cream.

"That sounds really nice but I still have so much to do and I really don't want to have any work this weekend."

"You guys go play." He set them back down and then pulled me to the other side of the office. "Claire this is healthy for you or the girls; you're wearing yourself thin."

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