Chronicles of Han Storm, Book 1, Part 2, Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

    *It is not drugged.*

    I smiled. Keeping my mind blank, I enjoyed the tea and the company for the moment. 

    When we had finished, she came to me, pushing me onto the pallet and we satisfied our mutual need again.

    She was lying in my arm and I was starting to doze off when a crow flew into the cavern, cawing horribly. It flew over to the fire and settled on Mara’s chair. Mara looked at it as it squawked and cawed at her, its beady eye on me. She smiled sadly.

    “They will be here soon. There is a bath area around the back of the fireplace. You can freshen up there. You may wear the robe you will find there.”

    Her voice sounded old again as she started to dress.

    I found the bath area. It was cleverly worked into the cave behind the fireplace. Surrounding what seemed to be the chimney, was a container carved out of the rock and filled with water, using the heat from the fire to provide hot water for the crib that served as a bath.

    By the time I was dry and dressed in a brown robe of rough cotton weave, I could smell breakfast.

    I felt a soft pressure inside my head. Mara’s voice invaded. *Are you ready? Breakfast is getting cold.*

    “Yes” I answered back.

    *Try with your mind.*

    I focused on her essence and answered again *Yes.*

    *Good, you are a quick study. Is it not better to talk this way?*

    I came around the corner. “No, it is tiring.”

    *You will get used to it.* “At least you did not have any complaints about it last night” she continued out loud.

    “Trying not to think did not give me a chance to think about it” I told her.

    “The trick is not to stop thinking. It is simply to stop your thoughts being portrayed to the world. It is easy to know when someone tries to intrude.

    You felt it in your head. That slight uncomfortable ache. You must tell your mind that you need a gatekeeper. Something or even someone that will stop your thoughts from advertising themselves and safeguarding you from intruders who do not have permission to contact you. Put a barrier up.”

    “Can I imagine that I have a cloak that makes me invisible to all and my thoughts invisible to you?” I asked.

    “Whatever is acceptable to you. I, personally, imagine myself wearing a dark cloak with a hood.”

    She finished dishing up into plates on a low table. We both climbed into the cooling food with relish. She really was a great cook.

    There was another presence in my head. Sensaii was a constant reassuring pressure. I always felt him. Even now. He was keeping a very low profile.

    I tucked the imaginary cloak tighter around myself. I wanted some privacy.

    I glanced at Mara. She was apparently very interested in breakfast and did not even look up.

    *Sensaii, is she aware that you are with me all the time?*

    *Of course* he replied.

    *Then why does she not acknowledge you?*


    I really hated it when he talked in single words.

    *Please explain* I prompted.

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