chapter 29

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A/N- ok so before u read this chapter I wanted to b nice and put the trailer for 'Free! Starting days' cause maybe some of u didn't know but they're making a movie. I know it's old news but I decided to b nice for some reason. XD(and I just love watching this trailer!)
Time skip-lunch
Nagisa's POV
We were waiting for Haru-chan, Mako-chan, and (f/n)-chan to get to the roof, the door finally opened and we saw a gloomy looking Mako-chan and Haru-chan's eyes looked dark like he just lost something important. "Makoto-senpai what's wrong? Where's (f/n)-senpai?" Mako-chan's head lowered and Haru-chan looked away "(f/n) found out what we did to (bgf/n)......she said she never wants to talk to us again, she was crying when we picked her up this morning. We tried to explain but she won't listen, she ignored us during class and when we asked if she would eat with us she didn't even look at us and said she would eat in class." Says Mako-chan "it's our fault." Says Haru-chan

Haru's POV
'It's all our fault, if we hadn't been jealous (f/n) wouldn't be dissapointed in us. She wouldn't hate us.......she wouldn't hate me' I clenched my hand into a fist my knuckles turning white "we need a plan. We need to get (f/n) back." I say my voice hard as steel, everyone looks at me ".......haru" says Makoto I turn my head to the side and look at the pool, I start walking toards the door. 'I just need the water right now.' I finally reach the pool and just dive in.

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