Goobye, Hogwarts

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That's how long I feel like I've been in this semi-conscious state. I'm not able to wake up, nor am I able to go to sleep. I can remember little things about the tournament, mostly about seeing Cedric dead. I feel a warm hand on mine and squeeze it. Must be Harry. I force my eyes opened and as my eyes adjust to the light, I see the figure is not Harry, but Draco Malfoy. I look at him quizzically and he quickly lets go of my hand.  

"You're awake," he says, looking at me sheepishly. I nod, taking in my surroundings. It has to be in the afternoon I'm assuming, but I don't know what day it is.  

"How long was I-" 

"Only a day," he replies, reading my thoughts. We sit there in silence for a while, both of us thinking.  

"Where's Harry? Is he alright?" Malfoy's expression hardens and he stands up.  

"I'm fine," Harry's voice floats over to me from the entrance to the hospital wing. I smile brightly at him and he returns it, then glares at Malfoy. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?" He hisses and Draco just shrugs.  

"Same as you, Potter." They stand there in silence for a minute, sizing each other up. I cough and they both look away, realizing I'm still there. "Hope you feel better," Malfoy says to me, his expression softening, then going back to a scowl as he glares at Harry. Harry sighs and sits down on the bed next to me, taking my hand. A blush creeps up my face, but Harry doesn't seem to notice.  

"You alright?" I ask and he nods stiffly. "I remember about Cedric..." Harry stiffens. "It's not your fault. And I believe you, by the way, that Voldemort's back." Harry and I seemed to be the only ones who used his actual name. Harry gives me a weak smile.  

"Seems like your the only one who does," he says, staring out the window.  

"You know I'm here for you, right?" I ask suddenly.  

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."  

"And you know that you can always talk to me?" I smile sweetly and Harry nods. "You won't ever be alone, Harry." He doesn't reply for a few seconds and I sigh. I look back but not before his lips crash onto mine softly. He's kissing me! His lips are warm and soft and the whole thing gives my head a dizzying feeling. Then I realize I'm holding my breath as Harry recoils and I exhale. We both blush furiously before Madame Pomphrey walks in with some kind of potion.  

"Here deary, take this," she says and I drink the foul tasting liquid. I make a gagging face while she's not looking, causing Harry to laugh. "Alright, you are free to go Ms. Dumbledore." Harry and I make our way out towards the common room. It seems really awkward to talk about the kiss we just shared, so I don't bring it up and neither does Harry. 

"You're staying with the Weasleys this summer, right?"  

"Yeah, except the first week. I'm staying with my Uncle Aberfourth." Harry nods. "Are you?"  

"Yeah. I'll probably arrive there about the same time as you do," he says, brushing his jet-black hair away from his forehead.  

It was the weekend and we decided to spend it in Hogsmeade. I asked Uncle Albus for permission and he said that we all deserved the break. So Ron, Hermione, Harry and I all made our way down to HoneyDuke's for a quick snack.  

"Harry! Want a a liquorice wand?" I call and Harry thinks for a second before nodding. I buy the candy and hand the wand to Harry (I know it's his favorite). We walk to the shrieking shack then, talking and laughing about the odd experiences we had in that place. I hear footsteps behind us and turn around to see the blonde haired Slytherin boy we know as Malfoy. I sigh and Harry crosses his arms.  

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