"Well some food please," Zyah said and I smiled.

"So you guys want some eggs, sausage, pancakes or toast," I asked.

"Pancakes," Nyjah said.

"Alright so what do yall like to do tell me about yourselves," I said.

"Nah we want to know about you and my uncle. The last girl said she loved him but since your here that's obviously a lie," Nyjah said.

"Your a smart kid," I said.

"Thanks so do you love him," he asked.

"Yeah I do I really do and I'm gonna look you in your eyes and promise you that I will never lie to you," I said staring into his eyes.

"So what do you like to do," he asked.

"Well I like to watch movies, play video games, go to the studio, I love swimming, I love any kind of sport, I like eating and drawing and joking around, but most of all I like shopping," I said and the little boy smiled.

"She's cool," Zyah said.

"I know she is that's why she's my lady," Bruno said hugging my from behind. I turned around and kissed him.

"Ewww," the boys said and I smiled.

"So umm Bruno go and entertain them while I'm cooking," I said.

"What do I look like an entertainer," he asked and I just stared him giving him that 'really nigga' look.

"I'm just playin baby chill," he said and I smiled. I started to cook and I heard them in the living room. I finished up breakfast pretty fast.

"Nyjah and Zyah breakfast is ready," I yelled. They came running into the kitchen. I gave them their plates and sat them at the island.

"What about me baby," he asked with a little pout.

"Here you go," I said handing him a big ass plate. I then had my own plate and I sat down at the Island as well.

"So how is it guys," I asked while they stuffed there faces.

"It's good," Nyjah mumbled and I smiled. We ate and I hooked my game up and let them play some 2k11.

"Guys I'm gonna go and shower I'll be right back," I smiled. They nodded and I walked into my bedroom.

Bruno was playing on his phone let's fuck with him.

"What bitch you textin now," I ask.

"None," he said.

"Oh really then let me see you phone," I said putting my hand out.

"No I'm doing something," he said. Ok what is he hiding.

"You know what I'm gonna leave this situation alone. Because what's done on the dark will come to the light," I said. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I then put on my bikini with some shorts and a white crop top. I put my blue chucks on an then put my hair in a bun.

"Guys which one should I use the ninja turtle or the Cookie Monster," I asked Nyjah and Zyah. Bruno got them ready to go to the beach.

"Ninja Turtle," Zyah said and I smiled.

"Bruno are the boys coming to the beach," I asked.

"Yeah did you call the girls," he asked.

"Nope not yet," I said and he sighed.

"I'll call them give me your phone," he said. I gave him Leonardo the blue ninja turtle. And then I gave him my phone.

"What am I supposed to do with this," he asked holding up the case.

"Put it on there," I shrugged. I optioned myself. I put some lotion on and grabbed me my coach sunglasses. I then made a little beach bag with everything I needed in it.

"What did they say," I asked. Bruno as he gave me my phone.

"They say they in," he said.

"Ok let's go to the beach then," I said and we headed out the door.


I'm sorry it's so sucky but this was more of a fuller chapter but I promise the next chapter there will be some action. I know I haven't did it in a while but I would like to shout out PortugueseGal so go follow and support her. I would also like to shout out Wiz_Frikifah she is an amazing author so go follow and support her. I would also like to shout out __brunz_mars__ so go follow and support these people they are amazing just the way they are. Damn that was corny as hell but whatever. Love you guys and keep reading.

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