Malamar Troubles

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"WHAT NO NOT AT ALL!!!" Meowth exclaimed. "You twerps you got to help me where all in danger!"

"Ya right this is probably just a trick to steal Pikachu or my Fennekin" Serena said.

"No no no believe me, it's not me you have to worry about it's that lady in the hood and her Malamar" Meowth said.

"A lady and her Malamar?" Clemont asked.

"Ya just here me out."


In a cave inside a near bye mountain the rocket trio was watching footage of the twerp and his Pikachu in some battles. He was using some of his signature moves in some of one of his most toughest battles.

"Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt all these are first class moves" Jessie said.

"Seeing that Pikachu in action just make me want it even more" James said.

"Ya... The only problem is that trainer if his, if only we can separate them getting Pikachu would be a piece of cake" Meowth said.

"That Pikachu seem pretty impressive doesn't it" someone said from a distance.

"Huh?... who said that?" Jessie said. the trio turned to face were the voice is coming from. They see a figure standing in the shadows with something floating next to it. "Who are you? Show yourself."

The figure stepped into the light revealing a lady in some robes and a hood. Next to it was a Pokémon floating with a dark purple squid like hair.

"Oh.... Where are my manners? You can call me Madame X and this is Malamar." She said.

"Mal aa..." it said in a creepy tone.

"What are you doing here?" James asked.

"I happen to see the footage of that Pikachu you were interested in. join me and I'll make sure we catch that Pokémon" she said.

"WE??? We're the only ones going to catch that Pikachu we're not sharing with you!!!" Jessie snapped.

"Either you join me willingly or I'll have to use force. And trust me you don't want that to happen."

"Who do you think you are?" Meowth snapped. "We're not afraid of you."

"That's right.... Go Inkay" James yelled releasing his Pokémon.

"You too Pumpkaboo" Jessie said releasing hers. Both Pokémon came out of their pokeballs and got ready for battle.

"So be it..." she said. "Malamar take care of this"

"Mal.. mar" it then started to show a bright like from the center of its body as the two Pokémon stared at it. Their eyes soon narrowed as they soon became lifeless zombies.

"Huh... Pumpkaboo what's wrong with you" Jessie said.

"Inkey are you ok?" James asked. The Pokémon didn't response they just stood there with lifeless expressions on their faces.

"You're pokemon can't here you, they now belong to Malamar" Madame X said. "Inkey, Pumpkaboo attack your former trainers." And with that both Pokémon shot a shadow ball and a psybeam at Jessie and James. They quickly dove out of the way and narrowly avoided the attack.

"How dare you!!!" Jessie yelled. "You won't get away with this"

"Oh really" she said. Malamar then shined the same bright hypnotic light from its body as Jessie and James both stared. They slowly but surely had lifeless and dead expressions on their faces.

Pokémon XY  Ash's Kalos JourneyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz