"Three...two...one..." he muttered.


We all whipped towards the loud sound and saw a cloud of fire and smoke rising towards the sky. It was a glorious sight to behold as the yellows and oranges of the fire danced with thick, jet black of the smoke.

Timmy was practically rolling on the floor with happiness at the sight of the explosion. Caleb walked over to him snatched the headphones off his head.

"That was your house, wasn't it?" Caleb asked, amused at Timmy's antics.

"Yep," Timmy sputtered through the laughter.

"We've been waiting a long time to blow up that house. Too long." Timmy said sobering slightly. He suddenly seemed much older than he was.

I made a mental note to ask Caleb about it.

"So now we wait for Uncle Dan to come, right?" I asked.

"No need to wait. I am right here," said Uncle Dan walking out from the woods and he was absolutely filthy. His face was covered in black smears and he was soaked in some sort of thick liquid.

"Final Stand, huh," Caleb said smirking at his Uncle.

"Yep. The Globe men always have the last word," Uncle Dan said grinning back.

There was definitely a story there.

"This is really touching, but you do realise we no longer have a plan," Des said.

At her words Uncle Dan and Caleb became serious again.

"I actually don't know what to do anymore, Uncle. My original plan was to use your connections to get to somewhere safe but that won't work anymore since you are supposed to be dead right now. I don't even know where to start," Caleb said, frustration dripping from his words.

"If you are looking for somewhere to start, you could figure out why there are nine energies in this group but only eight people who are supposed to have it," Timmy said, without looking up from his game.

Every turned to him in shock including Uncle Dan who exclaimed, "TIMMY!"

Timmy looked up from his game at the sound of his father's voice.

"Oops," he said turning back to his game.

Caleb looked at Uncle Dan suspiciously.

"Uncle Dan, how is Timmy able to sense energy? Last time I checked, it wasn't a Guardian power."

Uncle Dan seemed to search for some sort of excuse before giving up with a long sigh.

"Ever since Timmy was little, his Guardian power has always been a little bit different. He was stronger than the average Guardian and faster but it wasn't until recently that things really began to change. He began to sense different types of energy around him but that wasn't all. Show them Timmy," Uncle Dan said.

Timmy dropped his game on his lap and began to concentrate. Suddenly, Timmy began to fade until we couldn't see him at all. The only indicator that Timmy was ever there was the device still visible where his legs previously were.

"Timmy, mind external features," Uncle Dan cautioned.

Slowly the device also faded from view too.

"How is this possible Uncle?" Caleb asked in shock.

Uncle Dan wiped his face wearily before answering.

"I initially thought it had something to do with the fact that I was given the energy directly, but after a while I realized it just didn't make sense," Uncle Dan said.

Then something occurred to me.

"Caleb, what if the energy is changing for everyone like it did with mine?" I said.

"That would make sense except for the fact that not everyone's power has changed," Caleb replied.

We turned to the Masters who suddenly found the ground to be extremely interesting.

"Guys, your power hasn't changed right?" I said staring at them.

They all looked at each other then turned to Alex.

"We all got new powers in addition to our normal ones a few weeks back. We're sorry guys, High Trainer Globe told us to keep it a secret," he said.

"Really, after everything we've been through you're keeping secrets," I said.

"I know Sephora. We are so sorry," Lila said. The sincere tone in her voice drove away all anger.

Everywhere got really silent for a while until Timmy spoke.

"So what powers do you guys have now?" he asked excitedly.

Chris smiled in his cocky way and raised his hands in Timmy's direction.
Timmy shot up in the air like a rocket and immediately began to shout. Chris gently lowered him back to the ground.

"Telekinesis," Chris said. His grin was even wider.

"Awesome." Timmy looked at Chris with a mixture of fear and envy.

Then Alex walked up to Timmy and held a hand to his cheek. Timmy suddenly started to age rapidly in front of our eyes until he looked just as old as his Dad.

Timmy looked at his Dad.

"No more curfew," he said in a deep voice.

Everyone laughed at this. Then Alex changed him back.

"I have the ability to change other people's appearance," Alex said.

We turned to Lila, waiting for her demonstration.

Lila looked back at all of us then disappeared. In less than a minute she appeared back with a huge sombrero and a poncho.

"I am able to transport anywhere in the world," she tossed the poncho at Timmy who caught it gleefully.

Then it was only Luke left.

Luke stared at Timmy with a tense look on his face. Timmy's eyes widened.

"Luke said that Sephora should bring out the journal from her bag. He says it's where the extra energy is coming from," Timmy said.

"You have telepathy," Caleb said. Luke grunted in response.

I reached into my bag and brought out the journal, feeling the same tingle as I had before.

I opened it up and pushed my energy into the page and just like before words appeared on the page.

My dear Sephora, I am so glad you made it out safely. Make your way to Portugal. I have a base there where you and the rest of the group will be safe.

I read out the note to everyone.

"Well," Caleb said, "I guess we are going to Portugal."

A/N: Also, I know this is another calm chapter but it is definitely part of a build up. So stay tuned for the action. My question for this chapter is : What do you think about the changes to the powers?

This chapter was edited on 16/01/16

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