Breakup/makeup ♡ (Grayson)

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You and your boyfriend Grayson were out on a Saturday. You were at your fave restaurant when a waitress came up to you to get your order. You saw Grayson looking at her with a grin on his face. I guess she's kind of pretty but why is he looking at her like that? You thought to yourself. You pushed your thoughts away and focused on choosing a meal.
"What do you want?" The waitress asked you in a bitchy tone.
You rolled your eyes. You could feel Grayson gently tap your knee under the table. You didn't bother looking at him. You picked your food and watched Grayson look at her ass as she walked away.
"Grayson!" You raised your voice at him.
"What?" He said smugly.
"You know what? I don't want to be here right now." You got up from the table and attempted to walk away. He grabbed your arm though. You pulled it away confidently and walked away from him. You called your mom to pick you up. Grayson was calling for you to come back. You blanked him and waited for your mom. She pulled up within 5 mins. You got in the car and shut the door harshly.
"I hate him. I hate him. I hate him." You repeated to yourself.
You broke down crying. Your mom pulled over and rubbed your back.
"What happened honey?" She said comfortingly.
"Mom! He fucking flirted with that stupid bitch in the restaurant! Why did I ever love him?" She pulled you into a tight hug. You sobbed and sobbed until you felt Stronger. Your mom drove you back home. You ran straight up to your room and fell asleep crying.

You woke up at 4:00pm. You were hungry so you decided on going to the store to pick up some ice cream to help heal the heartbreak.
You were just wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and your hair was in a messy bun. Your makeup had run but you didn't care. All you wanted right now was ice cream.

As you walked down the ice cream isle, you bumped into someone. You didn't bother looking up.
"Sorry" you mumbled.
"Y/N?!" You heard a familiar voice say.
You turned around. It was Ethan.
"What do you want?" Ethan was always close to you but like a brother way.
"Harsh much?" He asked pretending to be hurt. You lightly laughed.
"Sorry. I'm just pissed off."
"Yeah I heard about you and Gray. Look, please come to the house. He's really worried about you. He says he's really sorry." Ethan pleaded you.
"No Ethan! If he really loved me then he wouldn't be checking other girls." You argued with him. You were about to walk away but Ethan grabbed you by the wrist.
"Ethan! Let go!" You yelled trying to get out of his grip.
"Not until you come over. I'll stay with you." He looked at you seriously.
You stood there looking up at him for what seems like forever. You were contemplating on whether or not you should talk to him. I mean, who's boyfriend would do that? But then again, it's not as if he cheated on you.

"I'll go" you muttered.
"Good, now give me that." Ethan took your ice cream.
"Noo! I still want my ice cream!" You shouted at him.
"I know! I'm paying for it to show my appreciation." He said smiling.
You laughed and followed him.

*skip driving to the dolans*
You arrived at the front of their house. You sighed.
"It's gonna be fine." Ethan said rubbing your back.
"Oh, I'm not worried. I just can't wait to hear what his excuse is." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

Ethan knocked on the door and you waited for about 30 seconds. Someone slowly opened it. It was Grayson. He had his sweats on with no shirt. He had puffy red eyes and his hair was a mess.

"W-what are you doing here?.." He asked trying to talk properly.
"To hear what you have to say." You said looking up at him.
"Let's go inside." Ethan said breaking the tension.
You all sat down. You and Ethan on one couch as gray on the other. He was leaning down, looking at his hands. He didn't want to make eye contact with you.
"So tell me Grayson, why were you looking at that girl in the restaurant?" You asked with cockiness.
"Look... Y/n.... I'm so s-sorry for looking a-at that girl. She isn't nearly as beautiful as you. I shouldn't have done what did. It was a stupid move and I've never done it before and I will never do it again. I'm a dumbass for doing it and I'm really sorry. I understand if you don't want me back but I just want you to know I love you.." He mumbled the last part. You didn't hear him since you were so overwhelmed with everything.
"You what?" You asked with a croak in your voice.
"I LOVE YOU Y/N!" Grayson got up angrily but with tears in his eyes. He ran crying into the bathroom. You sat there staring at the floor. You told yourself that you wouldn't cry on the drive her, but that had all been washed away with your tears. All you wanted to do right now was go and see Grayson.

You got up from your seat and left Ethan sat there in shock. You went to the bathroom and lightly knocked on the door.
"Gray.. Open the door please." You said trying to make it sound like you weren't crying. He slowly opened it and looked down.
"I-I'm s-" he was about to say something but you cut him off. You attached your lips onto his. He seemed a bit confused but then he loosened up. You pulled away.
"I forgive you Grayson. Just promise me that you won't do that again. Or I will cut your throat." You told him trying to lighten the mood. He giggled which showed that he was happier now. You went in for another kiss. This time he pulled away.
"I really did mean it." He said.
A smile crept upon your face. "I love you too."

Hello people! I'm sorry that this ones really long but I just made it up as I went along.

Much love, Jordyn ♡

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