Getting Ready/The Plan

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Sammy’s POV

I groaned as I plopped myself down on the bed.

“This ball is going to suck” I said turning to look at the computer screen.

“I’m sure it’s not going to be so bad” Anna replied, smiling at me reassuringly.

“Oh it is, you won’t be there to keep me entertained” I told her.  Anna was my best friend, and the only close friend I actually have. I have known her since I was little. We went to the same private school and let’s just say, she was the only down to earth kid in my class and probably the whole school, because to be honest the whole school consisted of bunch of rich stuck up kids.  

“I’m sorry but my mom wants me to babysit Carl since he’s sick and we can’t get a nanny.” Anna explained to me.

“Well that sucks” I told her pouting.

“It does, because now I’m stuck with that little brat. My parents have spoiled him, but I still love that munchkin”

“N’aaaaaawww but you owe me” I told her smirking.

“Alright” Anna chuckled. “So what are you wearing tonight?” She asked me. A grin spread across my face as I got off the bed telling her to give me a second and went to get my outfit that consisted of a long cream colored skirt and a short sleeved top that went perfectly with the skirt. I was in love with this outfit. 

“Amm… Not sure what I think of it now but you will have to show me when you put it on. But I bet it looks amazing” Anna said as I showed her the outfit.

“Of course. And believe me its amazing” I told her grinning.

“With your taste in clothes there is no doubt about it!” Anna chuckled.  Suddenly someone knocked on the door and moment later it flew open, there stood my mother, still dressed in her silk robe, though her hair and makeup done to perfection.

“Honey, Olivia is ready to do your hair and makeup” She said.

“Tell her that I’m going to be downstairs in a minute” I told her.

She nodded her head and walked out closing the door behind her.

“Well I guess it’s time for me to go” I told her pouting. “But I’m gonna call you when I come back to get dressed so you can tell me what you think” I said.

“Of course love”

After saying bye to Anna I logged off the skype and closed my laptop before going downstairs where I was met with the excited chatter from my mom and our good friend Olivia who was here to do our hair and makeup.

Zayn’s POV

Buttoning up the last buttons of my black vest I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed up the bowtie around my neck. To say that I looked good was an understatement.  Taking a one last look in the mirror I grabbed the jewelry box from my dresser and made my way out in the living room where the rest of the lads were already sitting there waiting for me so we could go over our plan.

“So now that the pretty boy had finally decided to show up can we go over the plan?” Niall asked, looking from me to Liam. Liam nodded his head before rolling out the blue prints of the house on the coffee table.

“Ok, So we drive in through the front gate, past the security, everything has been taken care of and there should be no problem getting past them. I don’t think the security will be a problem to be honest, it’s just a ball” Liam said. Everyone nodded and Liam continued. “And besides we’ve been hired for tonight so that just makes it all easier”

“You Lou, are gonna be in the van, keeping an eye on the hallways” Louis nodded his head. Liam, being the smarty pants that he is had sneaked in the house while the decorators had been getting the place ready, and placed number of cameras around the house. Pretty smart from him to do so, makes our job a lot of easier.

“Lou is going to give us directions as to what is happening around the house through the earpieces. Basically communication between us is going to be same as always. We hear what Lou says to us on the ear piece and we answer him through the microphone that has been built in your watches” Liam explained. God I love all this technology and Liam just always seem to hook us up with the best gadgets ever.

“Harry, Niall, Zayn and I are gonna be at the party, serving food, drinks, what ever we are ordered to do. There are two exits out of the great hall that leads to the upper part of the house” Liam explained showing the two stair cases that lead upstairs on the both sides of the house.

“Harry, your job is going to be bringing up the tools to the upper part of the house and hide the bag under the bed in the master bedroom. Make sure that no one sees you carrying it. I recommend taking the staircase next to the kitchen” Liam told him showing exactly the way he should take.

“Got it” Harry nodded.

“The safe should be somewhere in the Bedroom, it’s with an electronic key pad so Niall you will need to crack the code” Liam told him.

“That’s gonna be easy” Niall replied with chuckle.

“Zayn is gonna go with you” Liam told him before turning to look at me.

“You are going to swap the necklaces.”  Liam said. I nodded my head. The task was pretty simple, nothing we haven’t done before and this task, well what can I say, it just can’t get easier than this.

“Ok so, we crack the safe, swap the necklaces but how are we gonna get it out of the house, not like that’s all that hard to do because it’s just a necklace but yeah…” Niall said, trailing off at the end.

“I’m getting to that part Niall” Liam told him giving him a look.  “After Zayn swaps the necklaces and puts it in the bag with tools, and hid it in the back room, YOU will be the one who is going to get it out of the house” Liam said, smirking at Niall.

“Why me?” Niall asks whining.

“Stop whining Niall” I said hitting him in the shoulder.

“Hey! That hurt!” Niall yelled at me, I just rolled my eyes.

“Then stop whining” I told him. Niall just rolled his eyes at me and turned to look at Liam.

“Niall, knowing you, you are probably going to stuff yourself with all of the food in the kitchen that you can get your hands on” Liam said. A grin made its way on Niall’s face. “That sure will happen” He chuckled.

“And we are going to use it in our favor” Niall looked at Liam confused.

“What do you mean by that?”

“what I meant by that is, you are going to pretend that you got sick and are not feeling well so you could get dismissed by the organizer.” Liam explained to him.

“So when I leave, I leave with the bag?” Niall asked and Liam nodded his head.


“Sounds easy enough” Niall said shrugging.

“It does and hopefully everything goes smoothly and as planned” Liam replied.

 *** ***

Hello there Cupcakes. Sorry for the wait, lifes been crazy!  


And I didn't see them because I live in a fucking narnia! - Laima. 

But we are gonna try and update and get back on track with the updates and yeah, hopefully you wont have to wait so long for updates! 

Thank you for reading and Leave Comments, tell us what you think and Vote to get this story out there and noticed by other people. 

Have a Nice day/eavning/morning/night. 

Love you all!! 

Priceless TreasureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora