Our Love

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Love had come to us; it had- In all its beauty and glory.

Amazed and enchanted, struck by Cupid’s arrow,

We heeded to its grace, submitted to its power.

Compromised for its sake and bowed down even lower.

Good times-we had them in a handful

 Watching each other grow and mature, our hearts grew out of it too.

We quarrelled and bickered for the sake of remaining as one,

And the truth lay there fallen,

gently covered by the veil woven by its sourness,

a transparent veil that we failed to look through.

Now I stand at the cross roads with no road signs or milestones,

Drifting, stolen and lost when it dawns in my mind,

That our love- it had passed us by,

With nothing left to offer and a tearful eye.

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