Chapter 9: Memories

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I woke up gasping, my heart pounding. I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to figure out what had happened. I took a deep breath, trying to slow my heart. Slowly I picked up my head and looked around. I was lying in my bed, covered with a quilt. I frowned, how had I gotten to my bedroom. I sat up and dropped my head into my hands, trying to gather my thoughts. What happened this morning? Try as I might, I couldn’t remember. I remembered waking up to Alice, then looking in the mirror and seeing how different I looked. Then walking out of the house and driving to school, then… My mind drew a huge blank. I shook my head slightly, but froze when I heard footsteps outside my door.

 “Ella? You awake darling?” came Alice’s voice, and I immediately relaxed.

 “Yeah, come in.” I replied and Alice walked in holding a tray with a bowl of something steaming and a glass of water. She sat the tray down on my bedside table and I recognized her famous chicken soup.

 “How are you feeling?” she asked.

 “I’m feeling fine. It’s just that… Alice, how did I get here? I mean, I remember you waking me up, and then getting ready, and then driving to school… After that there’s nothing. What happened?”

 “Oh darling, he said you probably wouldn’t remember.” she said, stroking my hair.

 “Wait, he?” I asked.

 “Yes, what was his name? Luke! He brought you home. Said you had fallen and hit your head and that you were probably concussed.” she explained.

 My mouth fell open, “Wait, Luke. Are you sure his name was Luke?” I asked incredulously.

 “Yes, Luke Lockhart. He’s tall, brown hair, gold eyes, really cute.” she winked at me but I was too shocked to respond. Something told me this wasn’t right. Somehow I knew that I hadn’t fallen and hit my head. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

 “Ellie, are you feeling alright. You look pale, do you want me to call the doctor?” asked Alice looking at me worriedly.

 “I’m fine Alice, seriously. Just tell me what time it is.” I said, trying to pacify her.

 “I think it’s around 3 in the afternoon” she said. “Here, eat the soup, and then you can sleep some more.”

I nodded and she smiled at me. She got up and kissed my forehead and said, “Eat Ella, you’re too thin.”

 I smiled at her back as she left my room. I made to turn to the food beside me but my eye was caught by my dream catcher. The feather was missing. I nearly feel out of my bed in shock. Where had it gone? I closed my eyes tightly, willing it to be a dream. I swallowed thickly; my room seemed somehow darker now that the feather had disappeared. I turned back to the food, still trying to sort out my muddled thoughts.


 After eating I had gotten up and taken a shower. I was back to normal Ella. No glowing eyes or shiny hair, or scar decorating my neck. I looked exactly how I had two days ago. I felt like I was going crazy, what had happened that morning that had erased so much of my memory. The harder I tried to remember the more my head began to hurt, until I was nursing a mini-migraine.

But that wasn’t what scared me most. That night I lay in bed and tried to remember the night I had found the feather, but I drew a blank. I remembered finding Alice in the den, and then the rustling, but nothing after that. I also couldn’t remember my dreams about my angel. It was as if all my memories of him were being erased. I couldn’t let that happen. I focused with all my might on the dreams, remembering how real they had seemed, but my efforts were in vain. As I fell asleep I realized I couldn’t remember what my angel had looked like.

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