Chapter One: Seeing Him Again

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As I walked through the sterile halls, as I glanced into the forsaken rooms, I wondered how it would feel to be a patient
in a hospital. Stuck with a disease or illness that may make you or break you. That may give you life or give you death.
That may lead an individual to take their own life just to stop the immense pain that always demands to be felt.
One of the hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder.

Nevertheless, the pain's presence is like a lurking shadow, seeking attention from the naïve mind and forcing the vulnerable heart to feel a sense of burdensome hurt. It's the most laborious when the person targeted has no idea about what is yet to come, so they blame whatever or whomever they can to push back the sensation of falling into what might just become their demise.

At last, I reach my destination; room 11101. My hand rested on the cold handle of the pristine door, deciding between turning and running towards the nearest exit or being bold enough to actually open the door in reality instead of the scene of me doing the action replaying in my mind, trying to persuade me into doing it. Knowing that I should, I picked the latter of the two decisions and slowly but carefully opened the door, keeping my eyes trained on the ground.

As usual, I immediately sensed another, pleasantly overbearing and comfortably inviting presence, giving the room a warm and gentle atmosphere. I sighed, not being able to stop a miniature smile from spreading across my worried face.

This strange feeling always and I mean always made me feel as if a humongous burden is lifted off my shoulders and it also gives me a sensation of peace and relief.

Walking in, leaving the door ajar, and taking a deep breath, I turned and faced the person that has strengthened my reason to live.

My mind drew a blank and I felt as if my world was restored.

There he was, sitting up on the complacent bed, nodding at the doctor ever so sorely every now and then, indicting that he understood whatever the doctor was explaining to him, while a nurse was fixating on the chart that was located at the end of the bed as well putting the oxygen mask that the patient kept removing back on his face. I rolled my eyes at his child-like actions and approached them with a clam exterior but with a boiling interior filled with anxiousness and nervousness.

He looked up as I come closer, a grin blossoming as he saw that it was me.

I cleared my throat,"Uh..Hey." It took everything in my willpower not to strangle him in an enormous hug.

His face turned into a comforting expression, as he saw my eyes well up with tears.

"Y-you i-idiot," I stuttered, "y-you scared m-me, you a-almost..."

I didn't dare finish the thought as he opened his arms for me to dive in. I ignored the pitiful stares of the nurse and doctor, and ran thankfully into the arms of the one I missed the most.
The only one I had left.

Salam, everyone!
I have been on a hiatus for a very long time, longer then intended, I promise you.
So, what do you think? Should I continue or not?
Also, if someone can provide me with a cover for the story just based on the title, they will get tagged and/or a shoutout! I will try to promote peoples' stories as much as I can, if I see that they have commented and/or voted on this story.
Thank you.
Inshallah, your days are blessed.
Wa Salam!😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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