9. " A Chance Encounter "

Start from the beginning

Once inside, Hanataro saw the man looking at the mirror who has a surprised expression on his face. He nervously tries to talk to him but doesn't attempt to approach.

"Umm.... M-Maeda-san?", he cautiously called.

The said man looks at Hanataro with a bright smile on his face.

"I'm cured.", he muttered as tears of joy glides down his face.

"W-What are you talking about?", Hanataro asked in confusion.

There's no known cure for those who were 'infected', hence his confusion. So for a cure to suddenly appear out of the blue is like a miracle.

Kazuma opens the curtain and light illuminates the room.

"I'm all cured! Look at me!", he cheerfully said.

Hanataro finally noticed that his eyes are back to normal and was surprised, also happy for him at the same time. He couldn't believe it until he saw it.

"You're right! But what happened?! How'd you get cured all of a sudden?", he asked.

"Maybe it's because of that girl??"

"That girl?", Hanataro asked in confusion.

"Hai. There was a cute girl here just a moment ago. I'm pretty sure she was the one who cured me. Where is she? I really want to thank her!"

Hanataro suddenly remembered Yuuki. She was the only one who came out of the room earlier. He rushed out of the room but she was no longer there.

"I have to report this to Unohana-taichou!", Hanataro said and rushed to her office.

Yuuki finally manages to get outside still bearing with the pain. While sneaking around, she also notices the commotion. The Shinigamis seem to be frantically looking for someone. She hides behind a tree and listens to their conversation.

"She hasn't fully recovered yet so she can't be far! We must find her!", one of the Shinigamis yelled.

(Are they talking about me? Oh no! They might not let me go if they find me! I have to get back home immediately! I'm worried about Ichi-nii and dad. I don't know how long I was gone, plus there's the matter about Yuzu-san and Karin-san.... they have every right to know.), she thought.

Then the Shinigamis saw Toushirou and Rangiku who just arrived from a mission in the human world and approaches them.

"Hitsugaya-taichou! Matsumoto-fukutaichou!", one of the Shinigamis called.

"What's all the commotion about?", Rangiku asked.

"What's happening?", Toushirou asked.

Yuuki's eyes widen in surprise and peeks at them. She already forgot about the pain upon hearing Toushirou's voice.

(It really is him! Shiro! And the beautiful lady with him, the one I met at the amusement park years ago! Who are these people?! Why do they still look the same even after seven years?!), she thought

"Sir! The girl you brought from the human world is currently missing!"

"What!?", Toushirou exclaimed. "She hasn't fully recovered yet and still not good condition to walk!", he said and turns to Rangiku. "Matsumoto, inform everyone at the 10th division right away! We'll help with the search. You guys search at the west side, I'll search at the east, and the rest will search at north and south."

"Taichou, we just arrived from a mission! You're still a bit injured! We'll handle the search you should rest.", Rangiku said.

Toushirou raises an eyebrow.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now