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 I was looking across the window and I caught a sight of a beautiful scenery. The clouds were calmly sailing in the atmosphere while the sun was smiling at the bewildering motherland. I couldn't seem to stop thinking of the things I want to do when I arrive at St. Louis so, I decided to take a quick research about the paradise I'm going to live at for the next few days. 

I took my Iphone and quickly log into Twitter to check if my followers unfollowed me or not.and to just check what's happening in the social media world. People are going nuts about this boyband called The Wanted. Karlie even tweeted.

"Sykes the Sloth" where are you? xx


So, does this mean that this "Sloth" is missing? Well, I don't really care much about these bands because  I'm not a band addict. I just want to hear those songs who are famous like gangnam style, call me maybe or I knew you were trouble. 

You can't blame me, I'm busy and I get a little outdated sometimes. Hahaha! Okay, so I went to yahoo mobile and just took a little peek on the latest news and it is still the same news like the Kardsahians being the best reality family, Taylor Swift's love affairs, Justin Bieber and Selena and all those shits. There's nothing new here and...oh wait...The Wanted's Lil Nathan vanished! "Oh this is something interesting" I said to myself. This Nathan Sykes is a runaway. New news and an interesting one for me. Its not everyday that a famous celebrity vanishes in thin air. I was scrolling down until I saw the picture of the said missing person.

"The Fuck?! Are you kidding me! Shitszel!" I screamed. The people looked at me giving me these cold stares and like I'm bitch please. I'm the queen!

"You okay, Bee?"

I looked at Nathan stunned by the presence of him. I placed my hand on his face and I was analyzing his appearance and there like lightning, I realized that this Nathan I'm sitting with is the same Nathan who is a member of the famous band, The Wanted. 

I SITTING BESIDE A CELEBRITY! That never happened to me and this experience is out of this world!

"You're Nathan!" I screamed.

"Yes. I'm Nathan. Is there any problem?" he asked raising his thick sexy brows.

"You are missing! You are Nathan Sykes!" I exclaimed.

"No, I'm not. Maybe you're mistaken." he countered having these wiggly brows of sexiness.

"No! You are Nathan. Nathan Sykes of the Wanted! You are FAMOUS!" I said emphasizing the word FAMOUS.

"No, I'm not." he again countered.

"Hey everyone! Its Nathan!" I exclaimed.

"SSsssshhhh...Okay, Bee. I give up. Yes. Im that Nathan." He whispered.

"Please don't tell anyone." he added, putting on his glasses.

"Why? You're famous! I need to have a picture with you for Karlie!" I said.

"No. No way. No pictures!"

"But why?"

"I want to be normal for once! I feel so gutted being dragged and pushed by people. I want freedom."

"Oh...I understand."

"We can have a picture if you promise me that you won't tell anyone about me, okay?"


"Good. Thanks."

My eyes widened like Allison Harvard's and my mouth opened into a huge "O". I am with a celebrity! I am with Nathan Sykes! Oh MY GOD! I took my camera from my handbag and pinch Nathan.

How to Cope with a Broken Heart: A Nathan Sykes and Barbara Palvin Fan FictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora