2: Four Directioners

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* Dedicated to Leah/@caylestarcooper ; Xx

Gail Smith

The room is.. well, everyone except me and Victoria have their hair brushes and singing along to the radio.

Yes, it's playing One Direction songs.

So this is what they called "Happy Hour at 5."

* That ends ONE DIRECTION LIVE. I'm Harry Styles' manager signing off. *

"Aw! That was quick!" Kari whined, shutting off the radio.


I checked the time and it's seven in the evening!

Two hours of One Direction is not enough for them?!?

Victoria and I exchanged glances-- These girls are direction crazy fans.

I wonder if they'd freak out if they knew we've met One Direction and even slept in the same house with them.

"Introductions now!" Danica claps.

"Well, I'm Gail and she's Victoria--"

"Oh, we know that already. So what do you think of One Direction?" Leah excitedly asked.

"Uhh... um... well... We love them." I shrugged.

"That's how you appreciate One Direction? Girl, you're missing half of your life." Quinn says.

I gaped at them.

"What?! I said we love them?"

"Yeah but your tone of voice is nonchalant. It should have giggles in between and squealing." Kari corrected.

"Well... okay," Victoria says, shrugging.

"Whatever. You'll get used to us when you've stayed in this directioner-room."



I eyed once more on Quinn and she seems to oggle.

"She's dreaming about Liam again." Kari sighs, poking Quinn's cheeks.

"How'd you know?" Quinn asked accusingly.

"Well, duh? That's what you always do." Danica adds.

"But he's so dreamy---"

"Nu uh. Louis Tomlinson's dreamier." Kari cut her off, sticking her tongue out.

"I totally agree but hey! Louis' mine. Remember that." Danica says, slapping Kari's arm.

"Nu uh. He's mine to begin with!" Kari hissed.

"Who says so?" Danica asked back.

"I have eye witnesses. I liked Louis first before you even liked him!" Kari spat.

There was a batch of "Ooooohs" and "AAhhhhhhs" from the other girls.

Victoria and I, once again, exchanged glances.

We wouldn't want to bicker about One Direction here.. It's scares me.

"It doesn't matter if you liked him first, Kari. The fact that I like him more than you do matters." Danica spat back.

"And how exactly do you know that you like Louis more than I do?!" Kari questioned.

"Simple-- I know a lot more things about Louis Tomlinson." Danica says coolly.

"Prove it, bitch."

My eyes widened.

Surely, this is one crazy bunch of directioners.

Just A Fan? [SEQUEL to "Fan 4 Life"]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя